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Thierry Dalon committed Sep 29, 2023
1 parent 4006268 commit 8d1ebd0
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Showing 2 changed files with 153 additions and 7 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Lib/FocusAssist.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ If (A_Args.Length() > 0)

; overwrite feedback hub

; ################## FUNCTIONS ###########################
Expand Down
156 changes: 150 additions & 6 deletions Lib/ListView.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ ListView(Title := "", Prompt := "", List:="", ColumnTitle:="", bSelectAll := Fal
; ColumnTitle is a pipe delimited list of column title
; Array of boolean the size of List elements or Boolean True of False for Select all

static LB ; used as a GUI control variable

; create GUI
Gui, MyListView:New,,%Title%

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +53,6 @@ If !IsObject(Select) and Select

LV_Size := LV_EX_CalcViewSize(HLV, LV_GetCount())
GuiControl, Move, %HLV%, % "W" . LV_Size.W + 12 "H" . LV_Size.H +10
;W := LB_EX_CalcWidth(HLV)
;GuiControl, Move, HLV, w%W% ; h%H%

If (AlwaysOnTop = True)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,16 +124,163 @@ return Selection
Selection := Selection . "," . Text
Gui, Destroy


; ------------------------------------------
; ListView with Search box by wildcard on the top
; Selection := ListView_Select(LVArray,Title:="",Name)
; LVArray: can be multidimensional array, each row matching a ListView row
; Name : Column Names separated by |
; Search will filter first column content
ListView_Select(LVArray,Title:="", Name := "Name") {

static LVSSearchValue
static LVSListView
Gui, ListView_Select:New,,%Title%
Gui, Add, Text, ,Search:
Gui, Add, Edit, w400 vLVSSearchValue gLVSSearch
Gui, Add, ListView, grid w400 AltSubmit vLVSListView hwndHLVSListView gLVSListView, %Name%

Gui, Destroy

If InStr(Name,"|") { ; multiple columns
for m, row in LVArray {
args := {}
for n, col in row {
args[n] := LVArray[m,n]

} Else {
For k,v In LVArray
LV_Add("", v)

LV_ModifyCol() ; Auto-adjust the column widths.

Gui, Show

ListView_WantReturn(HLVSListView) ; <<< added

; main wait loop
Gui, +LastFound

return Selection

GuiControl, -Redraw, LV

If (LVSSearchValue = "")
sPat := ".*"
Else {
sPat := StrReplace(LVSSearchValue,"*",".*")
If (SubStr(LVSSearchValue,1,1) != "*")
sPat := "^" . sPat

If InStr(Name,"|") { ; multiple columns
for m, row in LVArray {
args := {}
for n, col in row {
args[n] := LVArray[m,n]
If RegExMatch(args[1], "i)" . sPat)
} Else {
For k,v In LVArray
If RegExMatch(v, "i)" . sPat) ; ignore case
LV_Add("", v)

GuiControl, +Redraw, LV

LV_Modify(1, "Select")

if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
Selection:= A_EventInfo ; Get the text from the row's first field.
Gui, Destroy
;Gui, ListView, %A_GuiControl% ; <<< added
If (A_GuiEvent == "K") && (A_EventInfo = 13) ; VK_RETURN = 13 (0x0D)
Gui, Destroy

ListView_SelectGuiClose: ; {Alt+F4} pressed, [X] clicked
ListView_SelectGuiEscape: ; {Esc} pressed
Selection := 0
Gui, Destroy

; ==================================================================================================================================
; N.B.: Requires to use ListView Option AltSubmit
; Source: just me
; LV_WantReturn
; 'Fakes' Return key processing for ListView controls which otherwise won't process it.
; If enabled, control's g-label will be triggered with A_GuiEvent = K and A_EventInfo = 13
; whenever the <Return> key is pressed while the control has the focus.
; Usage:
; To register a control call the functions once and pass the controls HWND as the first and only parameter.
; To deregister it, call the function again with the same HWND as the first and only parameter.
; ==================================================================================================================================
ListView_WantReturn(wParam, lParam := "", Msg := "", HWND := "") {
Static Controls := []
, MsgFunc := Func("ListView_WantReturn")
, OnMsg := False
, LVN_KEYDOWN := -155
; Message handler call -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If (Msg = 256) { ; WM_KEYDOWM (0x0100)
If (wParam = 13) && (Ctl := Controls[HWND]) {
If !(lParam & 0x40000000) { ; don't send notifications for auto-repeated keydown events
VarSetCapacity(NMKD, (A_PtrSize * 3) + 8, 0) ; NMLVKEYDOWN/NMTVKEYDOWN structure 64-bit
, NumPut(HWND, NMKD, 0, "Ptr")
, NumPut(Ctl.CID, NMKD, A_PtrSize, "Ptr")
, NumPut(LVN_KEYDOWN, NMKD, A_PtrSize * 2, "Int")
, NumPut(13, NMKD, A_PtrSize * 3, "UShort")
, DllCall("SendMessage", "Ptr", Ctl.HGUI, "UInt", 0x004E, "Ptr", Ctl.CID, "Ptr", &NMKD)
Return 0
; User call ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Else {
If (Controls[wParam += 0]) { ; the control is already registered, remove it
If ((Controls.Length() = 0) && OnMsg) {
OnMessage(0x0100, MsgFunc, 0)
OnMsg := False
Return True
If !DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt")
Return False
WinGetClass, ClassName, ahk_id %wParam%
If (ClassName <> "SysListView32")
Return False
Controls[wParam] := {CID: DllCall("GetDlgCtrlID", "Ptr", wParam, "Int")
, HGUI: DllCall("GetParent", "Ptr", wParam, "UPtr")}
If !(OnMsg)
OnMessage(0x0100, MsgFunc, -1)
Return (OnMsg := True)

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