npm i npm i [email protected] @popperjs/core jquery
this will intall the core dependencies of the project.
npm i -D npm install auto-prefixer node-sass sass-loader style-loader css-loader postcss-loader export-loader postcss
postcss, postcss-loader = process the postcss with loader node-sass, sass-loader = loader for sass/scss files style-loader = inject css into DOM css-loader = The css-loader interprets @import and url() like import/require() and will resolve them. export-loader = if importing bootstrap plugins then export-loader is required
add entry point and outfile destination folder if any else it will take default source and destination files. check the webpack.config.js file in the current directory for more understanding.
you can add the postcss plugins in the webpack configuration.
alternatively, you can also define a postcss.config.js file
create scss folder in src directory and create app.scss file import the all bootstrap scss files by-
then include this app.scss file in the entry point file i.e. app.js
this will build the bootstrap files from node-modules and create bundles in the destination folder
now, the bundle is created by the webpack. now , add the generated bundle.js in the home.html file in the script tag. and run the file.