Code Challenge for Bermi Back End Engineer Position via
Runner Pages:
- Home (index) - All of today's (Arizona time zone) entries from all subscriptions
- Subscriptions - List of Subscriptions
- Subscription Page - List of Entries for a Single Subscription
Path: /api/v1.0/subscriptions
- {Base_url} - List of Subscriptions
- {Base_url}/all - List of All Subscriptions with their Entries
- {Base_url}/{sub_id} - Single Subscription Information
- {Base_url}/{sub_id}/entries - Single Subscription's Entries
Build with Python and the following libraries
- feedparser==5.2.1
- Flask==1.0.2
- pytz==2019.1
- Flask-Bootstrap==
- Flask-Moment==0.7.0
- Flask-Script==2.0.6