First Semester, AY 2017–2018
Arcenas, De Guzman, Seechung, Tiongson
Ensure that the files: "/borough_boundaries.geojson" and "/uber-raw-data-apr14.json" (both found in "/Used data") are inside "/mongo".
Copy and paste the docker-compose.yml found in the Replicaion config folder on the root project folder
On the command prompt, navigate to the project folder.
Start services: docker-compose up
Use another command line interface to login to "mongosetup": docker-compose run mongosetup sh
Login to "mongo1": mongo --host mongo1:27017 uber
Setup the configuration for the replica set:
var cfg = { "_id": "uber", "version": 1, "members": [ { "_id": 0, "host": "mongo1:27017", "priority": 1 }, { "_id": 1, "host": "mongo2:27017", "priority": 0 }, { "_id": 2, "host": "mongo3:27017", "priority": 0 } ] };
Initiate the replica set using the configuration: rs.initiate(cfg);
After iniiating, set and find the reading preference to the nearest node: db.getMongo().setReadPref('nearest');
Test replicates
Copy both the borough_boundaries.geojson
and uber-raw-data-apr14.json
files to the container hosting the Mongo setup: i.e. mongoreplicates_mongosetup_[number]
docker cp borough_boundaries.geojson [mongoreplicates_mongosetup_run]:/data/borough_boundaries.geojson
docker cp uber-raw-data-apr14.jsonmo [mongoreplicates_mongosetup_run]:/data/uber-raw-data-apr14.json
Assuming you ran the container as 'mongo', run the following inside the image's interactive terminal (e.g. docker run -it mongo)
mongoimport --db ted --collection boroughs --type json --file /data/seeds/borough_boundaries.geojson
mongoimport --db ted --collection uberData --type json /data/seeds/uber-raw-data-apr14.json
Run the commands included inside UberDataMapReduce.js
Copy and paste the docker-compose.yml found in the Sharding config folder on the root project folder
Start services: docker-compose up
Use another cmd to login to "mongosetup": docker-compose run mongosetup sh
Login to "mongosetup": docker-compose run mongosetup sh
Login to "mongos": mongo mongos1:27017/book
Add nodes to the sharding set: db.adminCommand( { addshard : "node1:27017" } ), db.adminCommand( { addshard : "node2:27017" } )
Enable sharding for a database: db.adminCommand( { enablesharding : "book" } )
Check if sharding is successful: db.adminCommand( { listshards : 1 } );