Releases: tencentyun/cos-c-sdk-v5
Releases · tencentyun/cos-c-sdk-v5
What's Changed
- 分块上传接口Complete增加复用header逻辑;Copy&Complete接口增加校验逻辑 by @Huberyxiao in #59
Full Changelog: v5.0.18...v5.0.19
What's Changed
- 安全优化&增加UT by @Huberyxiao in #56
- 优化curl句柄复用 by @Huberyxiao in #57
Full Changelog: v5.0.17...v5.0.18
What's Changed
- ut match stage 1 by @chen-honggang in #48
- improve ut coverage by @chen-honggang in #49
- update ut lcov by @chen-honggang in #50
- Feature huberyxxiao 45758700 by @Huberyxiao in #51
- 图片处理pic operations参数签入签名 by @wqingzhang in #52
- Feature huberyxxiao ea3d903f by @Huberyxiao in #53
- 优化 headobject 接口返回内容 by @Huberyxiao in #54
- Feature huberyxxiao d66f053a by @Huberyxiao in #55
New Contributors
- @Huberyxiao made their first contribution in #51
- @wqingzhang made their first contribution in #52
Full Changelog: v5.0.16...v5.0.17
What's Changed
- support user-define header and params for resumable api by @chen-honggang in #43
- header-list sort used by ingore case cmp by @chen-honggang in #44
- COS_MAX_QUERY_ARG_LEN to 2048 by @chen-honggang in #47
Full Changelog: v5.0.15...v5.0.16
What's Changed
- fixed problem that crc64_little maybe infinit loop by @chen-honggang in #41
Full Changelog: v5.0.14...v5.0.15
What's Changed
- fix crash in cos_resumable_download_file() by @chen-honggang in #40
Full Changelog: v5.0.13...v5.0.14
What's Changed
- opt mem for resume upload & download with cp by @chen-honggang in #37
- opt the progress value of resuming upload or download by @chen-honggang in #38
- fix the possible crash in cos_resumable_download_file() by @chen-honggang in #39
Full Changelog: v5.0.12...v5.0.13
What's Changed
- modify demo.c by @chen-honggang in #28
- add cos_check_bucket_exist cos_check_object_exist and object tagging api by @chen-honggang in #30
- check config params by @chen-honggang in #31
- opt presign demo by @chen-honggang in #32
- add config comment by @chen-honggang in #33
- add test_download_directory demo by @chen-honggang in #34
- adjust cos_demo.c for opt by @chen-honggang in #35
Full Changelog: v5.0.11...v5.0.12