Create the table with the following SQL command:
CREATE TABLE openai3072 (
id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding vector(3072)
Create index with the following SQL command:
CREATE INDEX openai_vector_index on openai3072 using vectors((text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding[0:1024]::vector(1024)) vector_l2_ops);
Please note that we only use the first 1024 dimensions of the 3072-dimensional embeddings for the index.
Then run the following command to create index for the first 256 dimensions:
CREATE INDEX openai_vector_index_256 ON public.openai3072 USING vectors (((text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding[0:256])::vector(256)) vector_l2_ops);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION match_documents_adaptive(
query_embedding vector(3072),
match_count int
RETURNS SETOF openai3072
AS $$
WITH shortlist AS (
FROM openai3072
ORDER BY (text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding[0:256])::vector(256) <-> (query_embedding[0:256])::vector(256)
LIMIT match_count * 8
FROM shortlist
ORDER BY text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding <-> query_embedding
LIMIT match_count;
from pgvecto_rs.sdk import PGVectoRs, Record
from pgvecto_rs.psycopg import register_vector
import psycopg
conn = psycopg.connect(conninfo='postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5433/postgres', autocommit=True)
import json
import os
import numpy as np
import random
from datasets import load_dataset
from datasets.exceptions import DatasetNotFoundError
from tqdm import tqdm
MODEL_NAME, DIMENSIONS = "text-embedding-3-large", 3072
DATASET_NAME = f"Qdrant/dbpedia-entities-openai3-{MODEL_NAME}-{DIMENSIONS}-1M"
collection_name = f"dbpedia-{MODEL_NAME}-{DIMENSIONS}"
embedding_column_name = f"{MODEL_NAME}-{DIMENSIONS}-embedding"
dataset = load_dataset(
bs = 1000
for i, record in tqdm(enumerate(dataset)):
if i % bs == 0:
points = []
"embedding": record[embedding_column_name]
if i % bs == bs - 1:
batch_points = f", ".join([f"('{p['embedding']}')" for p in points])
conn.execute(f"INSERT INTO openai3072 (text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding) VALUES %s" % (batch_points))
print(f"Inserted {i} records")