#Laser Safety System A low cost laser cutter/engraver safety monitoring system for K40 and similair laser systems.
####Door interlock event Door interlock input for the main work area door.
####Temperature monitoring event Input for monitoring coolant temperature.
####Coolant flow monitoring event Input to monitor coolant flow using low cost flow sensor.
####Audible Alarm Critical event sets off buzzer with continuous tone.
####Automatic Laser Shutdown Critical event disables the Laser
##Arduino Pin Assignments ####These pin assignments are based on the Arduino Nano board
- D2 - Coolant flow monitor (flow meter output{orange wire} to D2, red wire to +5V, black wire to ground))
- D3 - Door Switch (Hook up switch between ground and D3) (You can add additional microswitches in series to protect the laser tube door and controls door)
- D4 - Warning buzzer (Buzzer+ to D4, buzzer- to ground)
- D5 - Relay trigger to diasable laser fire (+5V to relay VCC, D5 connects to Relay IN, one side of laser enable to relay common, othe side of laser enable to relay NO)
- A0 - Coolant temperature monitor (Sensor - TMP36) (Pin1 to A0, Pin2 to +5V, Pin3 to ground)
####Required Hardware
The links are just examples of the required items, you may be able to get them cheaper on web sites other than ebay.
- Arduino Nano http://www.ebay.ca/itm/USB-Nano-V3-0-ATmega328-CH340G-5V-16M-Micro-controller-board-For-Arduino-/381523742462?hash=item58d4964efe:g:5pwAAOSwy4hUTv2u
- Microswitch for door interlock http://www.ebay.ca/itm/1-Pcs-Micro-Switch-Spdt-Hinge-Roller-Lever-15A-V-156-1C25-/181985068688?hash=item2a5f27c690:g:xYAAAOSw5dNWj3eU
- TMP36 temperature sensor for coolant temperature monitoringhttp://www.ebay.ca/itm/2pcs-TMP36GT9Z-TMP36GT9-ORIGINAL-Low-Voltage-Temperature-Sensors-NEW-/171906967235?hash=item28067426c3
- 5V relay to disable laser firing http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Effective-Stable-1-Channel-5V-Indicator-Light-LED-Relay-Module-For-Arduino-SCW-/231718093803?hash=item35f37983eb:g:okkAAOSwT5tWGzNb
- I2C 2004 LCD display http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-Yellow-Serial-IIC-I2C-TWI-2004-20X4-Character-LCD-Module-Display-For-Arduino-/131551735668?hash=item1ea1182f74:g:OjMAAOxyUrZS0ARf
- Flow sensor http://www.ebay.ca/itm/New-1-2-Water-Flow-Switch-Hall-Flow-Meter-Control-1-30L-min-Black-1pcs-/291411734936?hash=item43d97e3198:g:KAcAAOSwBLlVC6K3
##Arduino Libraries
Please use the arduino libraries in the libraries folder, as they are slightly modified from the original ones. You will get compile errors if you do no use these libraries
Coming soon, however it should be pretty obvious how to connect it all up. :)