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A simple project for either C++ or .Net that uses AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 and Amazon Cognito anonymous authentication to show how you can quickly and easily integrate Amazon Web Services in to your game.


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AWS SDK Getting Started Message Of The Day

A simple project for either C++ or .Net that uses AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 and Amazon Cognito anonymous authentication to show how you can quickly and easily integrate Amazon Web Services in to your game.



├── DynamicMOTD-CPP/         # C++ version of the client
├── DynamicMOTD-NET/         # Contains solution file for .NET/C# as well as the client project
│    └── DynamicMOTD-NET/    # Contains the client project and source code
└── s3_files/                # Demo files to upload to S3 (required by the AWS Lambda configured in steps below)

Building the sample

Set up AWS resources

  1. Create a unique S3 bucket.
  2. Create a Lambda and call it GetMOTD. Choose Node.js 8.10 as the runtime.
  3. When creating the Lambda, create a new IAM role that will give the Lambda read only access to the S3 bucket created in step 1.
  4. Add the following code to the Lambda:
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var S3 = new AWS.S3();

var motdKeys = {
    newbNeedsGold: "newb_needs_fakegold.txt",
    newbNeedsSword: "newb_needs_better_weapon.txt",
    prodMultiplayer: "multi_player_prod.txt",
    default: "default.txt"
var motdBucket = ""; // replace with your bucket name
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
    var motdKey = motdKeys.default;
    if(event.playerlevel > 10){
        motdKey = motdKeys.prodMultiplayer;
    else {
        if(event.playergold < 100){
            motdKey = motdKeys.newbNeedsGold;
        else {
            motdKey = motdKeys.newbNeedsSword;
    var response;
    await S3.getObject({
        Bucket: motdBucket,
        Key: motdKey
    }).promise().then(data => {
        var motdText = data.Body.toString('ascii');
        motdText = motdText.replace("@playername@", event.playername);
        response = {
            statusCode: 200,
            body: motdText
    }).catch(err => {
        response = err;
    return response;
  1. Create an Amazon Cognito identity pool that allow access from unathenticated identities.
  2. Give permissions for unathenticated identities to invoke the Lambda function created in step 3.

Build the sample


  1. Load the solution DynamicMOTD-NET.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Open the Program.cs file.
  3. Edit the CognitoAWSCredentials constructor to use the identity pool ID created above.
  4. Build and run.


  1. Load the solution DynamicMOTD-CPP.sln in Visual Studio.
  2. Open the Settings.h file.
  3. Replace the ACCT_ID string with your AWS account ID.
  4. Replace the POOL_ID string with the ID of the identity pool created above.
  5. Build and run.

For more information or questions

License Summary

This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.


A simple project for either C++ or .Net that uses AWS Lambda, Amazon S3 and Amazon Cognito anonymous authentication to show how you can quickly and easily integrate Amazon Web Services in to your game.



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  • C# 54.6%
  • C++ 43.2%
  • C 2.2%