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Repository files navigation


  • This repository contains my catkin workspace in one place.

Usage :

Autonomous Navigation from starting to goal
  • roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_house.launch
  • roslaunch turtlebot3_navigation turtlebot3_navigation.launch map_file:=/home/bot/tb3_house_map.yaml
  • Go to the directory where is present. Run the script by ./

1.0.1 (code)

ROS Topics - Publisher and Subscriber (FINISHED)
  • Talker and Listener working in ros_basics_tutorials

1.0.2 (code)

ROS Topics - Publisher and Subscriber (UNFINISHED)
  • Having problem with running .py
  • Turtle bot simulator working.

1.0.3 (bug)

ROS TOpics - Custom messages (UNFINISHED)
  • Custom messages for ros packages is not complete. In IOT sensor .cpp was having some syntax error with the code.
  • And for .py file the error was (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yaml')
  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'rospkg'

1.0.4 (code + bugfix)

ROS TOpics - Custom messages (FINISHED)
  • Custom messages are added and completed.
  • #!/usr/bin/env python2.7 - needed to add 2.7 in this or else it was clashing with python3.8
  • yaml problem solved.
  • made changes in CmakeList, added generate messages() or else it was not working.
  • and is working.
  • Next need to look into .cpp

1.0.5 (code)

  • Used turtle bot service
  • server and client
  • Created custom services
  • Add three Int server and client

1.0.6 (code + bugfix)

  • Problem with IoT sensor Publisher cpp was removed.
  • Added IoT Sensor Publisher Cpp code
  • IoT sensor Subscriber Cpp is left, some error with callback func.
  • custom services python working
  • need to add custom service Cpp code.

1.0.7 (code + bugfix)

ROS TOpics - Custom messages (FINISHED)
  • Solved the problem with custom message code in Cpp
  • Added a new package named turtlesim_cleaner_bot
  • Next thing to do Service in Cpp
  • to do Motion in ROS.

1.0.8 (bug)

Motion in ROS - Moving in Straight line (UNFINISHED)
  • Motion in ROS not working.
  • turtle_cleaner_bot package not working.
  • catkin_make error
  • ros.h not found error :/

1.0.9 (code + bugfix)

Motion in ROS - Moving in Straight line (FINISHED)
  • Straight line Motion of cleaner bot working.
  • Needed to make some changes in Cmake
  • Added code for the user to give input of motion.
  • working fine.

1.0.10 (bug)

Motion in ROS - Rotate Left and Right (UNFINISHED)
  • Code is in the middle, have errors.
  • adding a subscriber for our motion in ros code.
  • not finished, there are bugs.

1.0.11 (code + bugfix)

Motion in ROS - Rotate Left and Right (FINISHED)
  • set desired orientation is working.
  • left, right, forward, backward, rotate motion is working.

1.0.12 (code)

Motion in ROS - Go to Goal (FINISHED)
  • added move to goal fuction for the turtlesim bot.
  • added proportional control for moving to the desired location.

1.0.13 (code)

Motion in ROS - Spiral Control and Cleaning Application (FINISHED)
  • added grid cleaning algorithm for the turtle bot.
  • added spiral cleaning algorithm for the bot.
  • made necessary changes in main function.

1.0.14 (code + bug)

CV in ROS with openCV - Install openCV (FINISHED)
  • Anaconda 3 installed python3, which was creating problem with python2.7
  • openCV was not working because of the environment clash between Python2.7 and Python3.8
  • removed anaconda3 from the system
  • rm -rf ~/anaconda3
  • After everything is working fine.
  • openCV is working not giving any module or package error.

1.0.15 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - openCV open and save image files (FINISHED)
  • Added a folder named perception
  • Added folder with images
  • Added code for opening and saving an image file using openCV
  • image get copied in a folder named copy inside image folder.

1.0.16 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - openCV pixels and image structure (FINISHED)
  • Added a folder named imageStruct
  • Added code for determining image pixels, image length , width, channels
  • used numpy and openCV

1.0.17 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - openCV image encoding (FINISHED)
  • Added a folder named imageEncoding
  • Added code for red,green,blue scale images
  • Added code for converting to HSV images
  • Added code for converting to grayscale images.

1.0.18 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - openCV video streams input and drawing shapes (FINISHED)
  • Added code for video streaming in ros
  • Video is streamed from both Webcam and also from saved video
  • did a little video processing on the videos
  • converted to gray scale videos
  • added code for drawing different shapes

1.0.19 (code + bug)

CV in ROS with openCV - CvBridge Bridging (UNFINISHED)
  • Added the code for cv bridge
  • having issues with usb cam package cloning and use.
  • having problem in sourcing setup.bash
  • need to solve the problem of cv Bridge in ROS

1.0.20 (code + bugfix)

CV in ROS with openCV - CvBridge Bridging (FINISHED)
  • Finished the cv Bridge part
  • USB cam package is also working fine.
  • image publisher subscriber working.
  • usb cam - publisher, imagePUBandSUB - subscriber

1.0.21 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - Simple and Adaptive thresholding (FINISHED)
  • Added code for simple and adaptive thresholding.
  • working fine.

1.0.22 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - Color Filtering (FINISHED)
  • Added the code for color filtering.
  • converted RGB image to HSV image for easy detection.
  • given the lower and upper bound for color detection.
  • palyed with the thresholds for detecting the image properly.

1.0.23 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - Contour drawing (FINISHED)
  • Added code for detecting contours
  • convert rgb image to gray scale
  • convert it to binary by adaptive thresholding.
  • draw contours on the image.
  • need to complete CV in ROS with openCV

1.0.24 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - Contour processing (FINISHED)
  • added code to find the area and perimeter of contours.
  • added code to draw the contours by the above steps.

1.0.25 (code)

CV in ROS with openCV - read video cpp (FINISHED)
  • added cpp code for reading video
  • made changes in the cmake list
  • added executable for the code.

1.0.26 (code)

Rosserial with arduino (UNFINISHED)
  • Installed ros_lib in arduino
  • Installed other dependencies and packages.
  • Used Rosserial in arduino the blink sketch and hello world.
  • Next to configure ultrasonic sensor using ros.

1.0.27 (code)

Ultrasonic sensor with ROS (FINISHED)
  • Added code for using ultrasonic sensor with arduino and ROS.
  • Code is working fine.

1.0.28 (updates + bug)

  • Added package for gazebo, my_simulation and slam gmapping.
  • Could not fix the issue
  • Not working.
  • Started with Perception - Laser Range Finder
  • Rosserial arduino is finished.
  • Need to look into Laser Range Finder Module.

1.0.29 (updates + bug)

ROS Melodic - Installation of turtlebot3
  • Added turtlebot 3 simulation packages.
  • Added navigation and slam packages.
  • made changes in bashrc by gedit .bashrc for turtlebot3
  • turtle bot 3 gazebo simulation not working.
  • The issue is saying Model name is not set for turtlebot 3.

1.0.30 (code + bugfix)

ROS Part II - Turtlebot3 setup (FINISHED)
  • Added the export data of turtlebot 3 model name in .zshrc
  • git clone ros code for part 2 from git repo
  • Did basic movement with teleop in gazebo on turtlebot3

1.0.31 (bug)

ROS Part II - ROS navigation intro (UNFINISHED)
  • The simulation on rviz was not working correctly
  • The data shown after rostopic list is not same as the instructor.
  • Need to check this part

1.0.32 (theory)

ROS part II - ROS navigation.
  • studied about the ROS navigation.
  • Transformation
  • Rotation Matrix in 2d and 3d frames.
  • Frame Change configurations.

1.0.33 (theory)

ROS part II - ROS navigation.
  • got knowledge about rotation representation.
  • Euler angles.
  • Quaternions
  • need to study about gimbal lock.

1.0.34 (code)

ROS part II - Conversions in TF package
  • used tf package library in python script
  • made a new package to try my codes.
  • learned how to do rotation transformation from euler to quaternion and vice versa.

1.0.35 (code)

ROS part II - Reading Yaw from quaternions
  • Added code for converting euler from quaternion
  • subscribed to turtlebot 3 geometry messages.
  • used the quaternion list to get the yaw.
  • used view frame to generate a pdf file for frames

1.0.36 (code)

ROS part II - Transformation
  • Added code for frames transformation broadcaster
  • Added code for frames transformation listener

1.0.37 (updates)

ROS Part II - Navigation demo
  • Used RVIZ and gazebo to perform navigation.
  • Used 2D Pose estimate to manually estimate initial pose
  • Used 2D Nav Goal to perform navigation.
  • Learnt about recovery behaviour during navigation if the robot gets stuck due to obstacle and path.
  • Learnt about clearing process which clears the previous static obstacles which are not there during navigation.

1.0.38 (code)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Added code for autonomous navigation of my turtlebot.
  • Navigation stack working fine.
  • Learnt about the map frame and local frame.
  • Learnt Particle estimater.

1.0.39 (theory)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Learnt about local path planner.
  • Learnt about global path planner.
  • learnt about the carrot planner, navfn, global_planner.
  • Dijkstra Algo + A* algo - need to study

1.0.40 (theory)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Dynamic window Algorithm for local path planner.
  • Learnt about the tuning of simulation time in dwa local path planner.
  • increasing the simulation time or prediction will increase the computation and consequently decrease the battery power soon.
  • Trajectory tries to minimise the total cost.
  • cost consists of path distance bias, goal distance bias, occdist scale

1.0.41 (theory)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Learnt about the implementation of path dist bias, goal dist bias and occ scale.
  • configured the parameters dynamically using rqt_reconfigure
  • path dist bias is the amount by which it will the path trajectory.
  • goal dist bias is the amount by which it will reach a goal using the shortest path.
  • occ scale decides the importance of distance from wall or obstacles - a high value will give more importance

1.0.42 (theory + code)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Learnt about follower application using two turtlesim
  • used rosrun tf tf_echo turtle1_frame turtle2_frame to see relative position and orientation between two frames.
  • used rosrun tf tf_monitor to know about the frames present.
  • added code for turtlesim broadcaster and listener.
  • added the launch file of turtle sim follower application.

1.0.43 (theory)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • BUG algorithm
  • BUG0 - head to goal straight, follow the wall if obstacle is there.
  • BUG1 - head to goal straight, follow the wall if obstacle is there, go to the closest location of goal.
  • BUG2 - head to goal straight, follow the wall if obstacle is there, creates a shortest line from start to goal, follow this line.

1.0.44 (code)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Need to add three turtle in turtle sim and make them follow.
  • Added code for the third turtle.
  • made the third turtle flow the 2nd turtle.
  • updated in the launch file.

1.0.45 (code)

ROS part II - Navigation
  • Added a fourth turtle in tfBroadcaster.
  • roslaunch ros_nav tfBroadcaster.launch
  • fourth turtle will follow the third one.

1.0.46 (theory)

  • Need to study about BUG algorithm.
  • Need to study about hector slam technique.
  • Need to study Dijkstra ALgo and A* Algo.
  • Need to find technique to install ROS in raspberry pi.
  • Need to study about kinect sensor 3d Camera.
  • Need to know about the working of LIDAR.
  • Need to study how to convert 3D models to URDF

1.0.47 (theory)

  • Learned a little about Dijkstra's algorithm and A* algo
  • A* algo gives weights to a point according to starting and the goal location
  • Dijkstra only gives weight according to the starting.
  • Need to try different algo on solving a maze.

1.0.48 (theory)

  • Learned about Kalman Filter, Monte Carlo.
  • Need to look into matrices, jacobian, rotational matrices.
  • Algorithms need to be added.

1.0.49 (theory)

  • Studied basics about quaternion.
  • Studied about gimbal lock.
  • Studied how quaternion is required for representing 3d rotation.
  • Need to go more into the depths of quaternion mathematics.

1.0.50 (code)

  • Was trying to work with MQTT
  • having some problem for python 2 environment.
  • Added repo for room cleaning bot.

1.0.51 (code)

  • Error in mqtt subscriber function.
  • Need to start the ros course all over again.
  • Started studying about the publisher subscriber and documenting it down here.

1.0.52 (repo)

  • Cloned the gazebo bicycle repo to my catkin_ws
  • Ran the launch file.
  • Not working.
  • Started making Usage commands in

1.0.53 (repo)

  • Cloned the bicyle_gazebo repo again in my catkin_ws
  • Model is showing in gazebo
  • After cloning need to make catkin_make
  • Then roslaunch self_balancing_bicycle main.launch
  • Added another bycle repo bicycle_model_URDF.. not working.

1.0.54 (code)

  • Currently working on making the bicycle move.
  • Added a world folder to add a wall in gazebo simulation


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