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Plugin/Extension for Spigot or Minestom, that manages prefixes or suffixes in the tab


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SimpleCloud Prefixes Plugin

Prefixes is a plugin/extension that manages prefixes and suffixes in tab, and formats the chat to your liking. API methods for doing this are also provided. You can implement it on your own, or use the default implementation for LuckPerms. For prefixes and suffixes, Adventure Components are used, as well as MiniMessage in the LuckPerms default implementation.

Supported server versions

server implementation PrefixesApi support LuckPerms support out of the box support
Paper and Forks
Spigot and Forks
Minestom ❌ (you can easily get it working by using your own implementation)



Prefixes will automatically register any LuckPerms Group as a PrefixGroup, alongside its prefix, suffix, and TeamColor.

Setting a groups prefix/suffix

/lp group <groupname> meta addprefix/addsuffix <weight> <prefix/suffix in MiniMessage format>

Setting a groups TeamColor

Depending on what server version your on, you have to set a hex value or a ChatColor enum as color. On Spigot, color should be in ChatColor format (e.g. WHITE). On every other server implementation you can use hex colors

/lp group <groupname> meta set color <color>


You will find the config.json File in the DataFolder. It will look like this:

  "chatFormat": "<prefix><name_colored><suffix><gray>:</gray> <white><message></white>"

You can configure the chat message format by editing the value of chatFormat. MiniMessage is used, to provide quick and easy color and gradient support to the format. There also are placeholders you can use for the format:

Placeholder Value
name The players name
name_colored The players name, colored the same way as in the scoreboard
prefix The players prefix
suffix The players suffix
message The sent message

API usage

Getting the API object


When Prefixes is active, a bukkit service provider is registered containing the Api object. To get it, use the following code.

val prefixesApiProvider: RegisteredServiceProvider<PrefixesApi>? = Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegisteredServiceProvider(
if (prefixesApiProvider != null) {
    val myPrefixesApi: PrefixesApi = prefixesApiProvider.provider
    //Code using the PrefixesApi

IMPORTANT: To make sure everything works as expected, add PrefixesApi to your plugin.yml depends list.


To get the PrefixesApi object on Minestom, you need to call the getApi() Singleton in the PrefixesExtension class.

val myPrefixesApi: PrefixesApi = PrefixesExtension.getApi()
//Code using the PrefixesApi

IMPORTANT: To make sure everything works as expected, add PrefixesApi to your extension.json dependencies array.

Using the API

Now that you have a PrefixesApi object, you have access to all of these Functions:

     * Sets the prefix and suffix of a player in both Tab and Chat
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
     * @param group
    fun setWholeName(uniqueId: UUID, group: PrefixesGroup)

     * Sets the prefix and suffix of a player in both Tab and Chat
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
     * @param groupName
    fun setWholeName(uniqueId: UUID, groupName: String)

     * Sets the prefix of a player in both Tab and Chat
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
     * @param prefix prefix to set
    fun setPrefix(uniqueId: UUID, prefix: Component)

     * Sets the prefix of a player in both Tab and Chat
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
     * @param suffix suffix to set
    fun setSuffix(uniqueId: UUID, suffix: Component)

     * Returns all registered PrefixesGroup ordered by priority
    fun getGroups(): List<PrefixesGroup>

     * Returns the highest PrefixesGroup of a player
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
    fun getHighestGroup(uniqueId: UUID): PrefixesGroup

     * Adds a [PrefixesGroup]
     * @param group
    fun addGroup(group: PrefixesGroup)

     * Changes the PrefixesActor of the server instance (e.g. to a bukkit actor)
     * @param actor
    fun setActor(actor: PrefixesActor)

     * Changes the Scoreboard Team color of the target player (Used in 1.12+ to make player names colorful)
     * @param uniqueId UUID of the target player
     * @param color Color string (ChatColor on spigot, hex colors on other server implementations)
    fun setColor(uniqueId: UUID, color: String)

     * Sets the used PrefixesConfig
     * @param config Specifies the new [PrefixesConfig]
    fun setConfig(config: PrefixesConfig)

Own implementation

PrefixesApi supports the reimplementation of features through third-party Plugins.


The interface PrefixesGroup provides the structure to all necessary features for a PrefixesGroup. By implementing it in a custom class, you can add this group to the PrefixesApi by calling the addGroup function.

Example group implementation

class MyPrefixesGroup : PrefixesGroup {
    override fun getName(): String {
        return "mygroup"

    override fun getPrefix(): Component {
        return Component.text("")

    override fun getColor(): String {
        return "WHITE"

    override fun getSuffix(): Component {
        return Component.text("")

    override fun getPriority(): Int {
        return 0

    override fun containsPlayer(uniqueId: UUID): Boolean {
        //Custom contains player logic

    override fun containsPlayerFuture(uniqueId: UUID): CompletableFuture<Boolean> {
        //Custom async contains player logic


A PrefixesActor is responsible for applying, and unapplying groups and prefixes as well as suffixes from players. It also manages Chat-Message formatting. To enable your custom PrefixesActor, you have to call the setActor function on the PrefixesApi object.

Example actor implementation

class MyPrefixesActor : PrefixesActor {
    override fun applyGroup(
        target: UUID,
        group: PrefixesGroup
    ) {
        //Custom group apply logic

    override fun remove(target: UUID) {
        //Custom remove logic

    override fun setPrefix(target: UUID, prefix: Component) {
        //Custom prefix apply logic

    override fun setSuffix(target: UUID, suffix: Component) {
        //Custom suffix apply logic

    override fun formatMessage(target: UUID, format: String, message: Component): Component {
        //Custom chat formatting logic

    override fun setColor(target: UUID, color: String) {
        //Custom color apply logic

Custom plugin implementation

Creating API and indexing groups

To create an API object, you need to implement PrefixesApiImpl. From there, overwriting the indexGroups adds parsing groups from anywhere

Example API implementation
class MyApiImplementation : PrefixesApiImpl() {
    override fun indexGroups() {
        //Custom group parsing implementation

From there, you can register this as a service provider in your custom plugin.

IMPORTANT: You still need to register the events on your own! Take a look at the source code to see how this is done.


Plugin/Extension for Spigot or Minestom, that manages prefixes or suffixes in the tab






