This MEAN stack application runs a candidate-based recruitment platform. Companies apply to candidates based on their profiles (same model as
Please see following article for more information, architecture diagram and dev processes:
Angularjs front-end client:
- Angular application
- Custom component library
- Hotjar and Google Analytics
- Google and Linkedin oAuth 2.0
- Linkedin pdf import and parse
- Server Side Rendering of Angular application
- Custom administration and CMR panel
Nodejs back-end server:
- RESTful Express API
- Mongoose endpoint validations and Mongoose for database control
- JSON web token authorization
- Mongodb database migration examples
- Database sanitization, CORS and other security features
- Error handling, authorization and other middleware
- Mocha unit test suite
- Amplitude API analytics
- Logger to AWS Cloudwatch and file storage using AWS S3
- Email service using Sendgrid API
- Cron service for email reminders and synchronization with Sendgrid and Zoho contacts
- Multi-branch, multi-stage and parallelized CI/CD using Bitbucket pipelines
- Continuous Integration running mocha unit tests
- Continuous Deployment to to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS Lambda
WOB team
- Antonio Sabado - Product vision and company director
- Jack Tanner - Product owner/manager (hands on) and company director
Mwan Mobile development agency team
- Andreas Tsindos - Company director
- Asad Mahmood - SCRUM master
- Sadia Abbas - Full-stack tech lead
- Tayyab Hussain - Full-stack developer
- Mongodb 4.x
- Npm 6.x
- Node 14.x - Installed with npm
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04
First start MongoDB
Then run the back end
cd server
npm install
npm start
Back-end API is running on localhost:4000
cd client
npm install
npm start
Front-end is running on localhost:4200
npm run-script build:ssr:local
npm run-script serve:ssr
Front-end is running on localhost:8080
- Sign up a new candidate or company user with email
- Run migration
cd server
export MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING="mongodb://localhost:27017/wob"
node migrations/migrate.js init.js up