This library provides implementation of Client to interact with Amadeus Self-Service API on PHP.
composer require therealartz/amadeus-php
use Amadeus\Client;
$apiKey = 'api_key';
$apiSecret = 'api_secret';
$client = new Client($apiKey, $apiSecret);
Authentication will be performed before first request, but token needs to be stored on application side and putted in Client on each request.
// TODO: Provide some example
use Amadeus\Request\Shopping\FlightOffersRequestOptions;
$request = new FlightOffersRequestOptions(
$origin = 'JFK',
$destination = 'ORD',
$departureDate = \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', '2020-03-01'), // Any \DateTimeInterface
$returnDate = null,
$adults = 2,
$children = 0,
$infants = 0,
$seniors = 0,
$travelClass = null,
$nonStop = false,
$currency = 'USD',
$maxResults = 50,
$maxPrice = null,
$arrivalBy = null,
$returnBy = null,
$includeAirlines = [],
$excludeAirlines = []
$results = $client->shoppingFlightOffers($request);
To enable library logging when creating Client pass an instance of Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
as fourth argument (optional):
use Amadeus\Client;
use Monolog\Logger;
$client = new Client(
$apiKey = 'api_key',
$apiSecret = 'api_secret',
$isProduction = false,
$logger = new Logger(
new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(__DIR__ . '/var/log/amadeus.log')
To enable built-in library cache when creating Client pass an instance of Symfony\Contracts\Cache\CacheInterface
(PSR-16 not supported yet) as fifth argument (optional):
use Amadeus\Client;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
$client = new Client(
$apiKey = 'api_key',
$apiSecret = 'api_secret',
$isProduction = false,
$logger = null,
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter('amadeus', 0, __DIR__ . '/var/cache'),