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dDee.six edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 5 revisions

How to use SIX protocol with Metamask

Build new binary from this repository

git checkout v3.0.0

make build

Output of new binary will locate at ./build/sixd

(Optional) To make it easy to use without calling path of binary we can use

make install

Then output of binary will locate in gopath/bin

Create New Account

This is important because the account module will not use as old version and new address are able to use with Metamask

sixd keys add <name> --keyring-backend os

PLASE replace with any string do you want and remember the seed phrase.

Now we are ready to go

Convert usix to asix

First we need to make sure that we had coin from faucet I'll will assume that you already had coin or if you had coin from old account you can transfer to new address Then we are ready to convert coin by using this command

sixd tx tokenmngr convert-to-atto 60000000usix --from <name> --gas auto --gas-prices 1.25usix --gas-adjustment 1.5 -y --keyring-backend os --chain-id fivenet --node

You will get 60000000000000000000asix and you are able to convert it back anytime you want by

You alse able to convert it back to usix anytime you want.

sixd tx tokenmngr convert-to-atto 60000000000000000000asix --from <name> --gas auto --gas-prices 1.25usix --gas-adjustment 1.5 -y --keyring-backend os --chain-id fivenet --node

Reject for amount that contain non zero after 12th(desc) such as 59000000100000000000asix

How to export private for import to Metamask

sixd keys export <name> --keyring-backend os --unsafe --unarmored-hex

it will return you private key then you can import to Metamask!!!

Enjoy your solidity journey!!!!!!! 😄 😄

Recover old seed phase

You also able to use old seed phase and make it recover you original address (but it is cannot use with evm or metamask) by

sixd keys add <name(cosmos)> --algo secp256k1 --coin-type 118 --recover --keyring-backend os