This repo is for playing with reinforcement learning algorithms. I am either using openai gym or ViZDoom as an environment.
I am trying several environments which includes:
- Mountain Car
- Implemented simple Q-Learning
- Pacman
- Implemented DQN with CNN architectures
- Breakout
- Implemented DQN with experience replay and CNN architecture
- Implemented DQN with GRU architecture
- Doom Game
- Implemented double DQN on basic scenario ViZDoom
If you need help in setting up your system (mac only) with these environments, refer this:
Inorder to install openai gym, run the following command in mac terminal:
pip install gym
Run the below command in order to use atari environments:
pip install gym[atari]
Inorder to render env in colab, we need to need to install some dependencies; so run following commands in colab:
!apt-get install python-opengl -y
!apt install xvfb -y
!pip install pyvirtualdisplay
!pip install piglet
!apt-get install x11-utils
After that run the following code once:
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display
from IPython import display
Then put the following command, just before the episode starts (need to run only once):
img = plt.imshow(env.render('rgb_array'))
Then put the following code, where we generally put env.render()
# just update the datadisplay.display(plt.gcf())
Inorder to install ViZDoom, run following commands in mac terminal (1st two commands were for installing dependencies for installing ViZDoom):
brew install cmake boost sdl2 wget
brew cask install julia
pip install vizdoom