Simple .Net Core 6 App tasks manager application meant to be sent to Ramsoft DotNet interview for Thiago
Used technologies:
- Fully RESTfull asyncronous back-end
- Dotnet core 6 - Minimalism code style
- MongoDB
- JWT Authenticator
- WebSocket - For live data streaming
- Fully mocked unit tests that cover all the cases
Used tools:
- Visual studio 2022 community edition
- Docker desktop for windows
- MongoDBCompass
The project includes all the DockerFiles to run the MiniJira.
Including -> Simple console application to see the MiniJira tasks and board at live
- Users can add new tasks to the task board
- Details include name, description, deadline
- Users can edit tasks and all details
- Users can delete tasks
- Users can attach images to tasks
- Users can drill into tasks to see all details
- Users can add columns to the task board representing different work states (ie. ToDo, In Progress and Done)
- Users can move tasks between columns
- Users can sort tasks in each column alphabetically by name
- Favorited tasks should be sorted to the top every time
All the requested feature plus the following:
Multiple boards management, create/update/delete boards and it's informations
User management and authentication
Know the user who created the task
Assign users to tasks
User can delete columns from boards and all it's linked tasks will be moved to the archived tasks
Event dispatcher, notify and update connected users with the changes via WebSocket
Live dashboard app to see the data
- Fully functional SwaggerUI with Bearer Auth available
- Manage multiple boards
- Create and authenticate new user
- Manage multiple columns inside the boards
- Can create/update/delete multiple tasks in different boards
- Can move tasks between columns, ex: Todo, In progress, In test, done
- Can create custom columns
- Can favorite tasks, favorited tasks are in the top of the board tasks
- Can assign a task to a user that you've created
- Can include multiple attachments in the tasks
- Live connection with the back-end
- Authenticated real time console application to see the board
The project is organized in six projects
The project contains 7 folder.
Between folder 1. and 4. we find all the required project to run the MiniJira sub-menu.
Docker files folder has the dockerfile to instance a new MongoDB in your local docker container
Docker files for the Dotnet.MiniJira.API is localted in the Dotnet.MiniJira.API/Dockerfile
Tests folder contains all mocked tests to keep integrity in the source code
Secondary projects
Dotnet.MiniJira.Live.Dashboard.App - Connect to the back-end WebSocker app for live streamming of data
You'll need a mongoDb docker container running or a mongodb local instance To start a new mongodb docker instace simple run the the following command
docker compose -f "Mongo-docker-compose.yml" up -d --build
Configure your VisualStudio to run multiple projects at once Dotnet.MiniJira.API and Dotnet.MiniJira.Live.Dashboard.App
When the Dotnet.MiniJira.API runs, it automatically seeds the data base with some information. It'll automatically create a new board called Ramsoft - Issues board, will create four column Todo, In progress, Testing and done
You will have three users available to use
Administrator -> Username[admin] Password[admin] Developer -> Username[developer] Password[developer] Tester -> Username[tester] Password[tester]
We will see two consoles, one is the WebAPI and the other is the client, the client is used like a front-end app to see what's going on in the MiniJira, the client receive live notification via webSocket
Swagger URL is http://localhost:7100/index.html
The first thing to do is to authenticate yourself with the existing admin, develop or test user, or create your own user.
Scroll down until the bottom of Swagger UI, to the section Users and authenticate with username admin and password admin
Take the JWT token in the response and apply it to the swagger by scrolling to the up and click on button "Authorize", and it will automatically notify the client with the existing boards in the data.
And Now you are ready to use the API through Swagger UI
Now you need to inform in the client the username and password and press enter, then it'll connect to the WebSocket and will start receiving live updates from the server.
The live notification are received whenever one of the following thing happen
User is authenticated Create/Update/Delete a board Create/Delete a column in any board Create/Update/Delete task Add attachments to a task Assign a user to task Move a task between different column
Now in your SwaggerUI in the section "Users", when you try to authenticate, if the authentication goes well you will receive in your client app the current status of the MiniJira
Now let's create a new board
Now we can see in the client that a new board was created, with the default column and without tasks
Now let's create insert a task on it, using the boardId and ColumnId that we received in the result of the Board's creation
Now we can see in the client that a new task was inserted in the board in the column Todo
User module
route | action | admin | develop | tester |
/Authenticate | POST | true | true | true |
/Create | POST | true | true | true |
/{id} | GET | true | true | true |
Board module
route | action | admin | develop | tester |
/Board | POST | true | false | false |
/Board | PUT | true | false | false |
/Board | GET | true | true | true |
/Board/{id} | DELETE | true | false | false |
/Board/{id} | GET | true | true | true |
/Board/DeleteColumn | DELETE | true | true | true |
/Board/CreateColumn | GET | true | true | true |
User module
route | action | admin | develop | tester |
/Board/ | POST | true | false | false |
/Board/ | PUT | true | false | false |
/Board/ | GET | true | true | true |
/Board/{id} | DELETE | true | false | false |
/Board/{id} | GET | true | true | true |
/Board/DeleteColumn | DELETE | true | true | true |
/Board/CreateColumn | GET | true | true | true |
Tasks inside of a delete column are moved the list of archived tasks
/Users/Create -> Do not create admin profiles It just creates the Develop or Tester profiles The only way of having an admin user is the back-end that seed the db in the app's initialization
Only admin can CREATE/DELETE/UPDATE boards information Developer and Testers can only CREATE/DELETE columns in a board
All the profiles can apply any action on any tasks
Fully mocked unit tests that cover all the cases can be found in the folder tests. 33 unit test.