A simple, original log based, file rolling logger. It's looks like time based file rotate in log4j.
Rolling log as:
- Daily(One file per day) -> app.log.2021-06-13
- Hourly(One file per hour) -> app.log.2021-06-13_23
- Weekly(One file per 7 day) - > app.log.2021-06-13
// go.mod
require github.com/thiinbit/p-log4go v0.7.0
// xxx.go
import (
"github.com/thiinbit/p-log4go" // imports as package "PLog4Go"
// GetLogger (${FileFullPath}, ${LogLevel}, ${RotateInterval}, ${RetainLogFileCount})
testLogger, err := GetLogger("./logs/test.log", WARN, Hourly, 3)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%v", err)
testLogger.Debug("DEBUG. shouldn't see this.")
testLogger.Info("INFO. Shouldn't see this.")
testLogger.Warn("WARN. Should see this.")
testLogger.Error("ERROR. Should see this.")
Output looks
// ./logs/test.log
[WARN] 2021/06/20 17:20:34.787450 plog4go_test.go:20: WARN. Should see this.
[ERROR] 2021/06/20 17:20:34.787792 plog4go_test.go:21: ERROR. Should see this.
// Use start trace to open trace log.
testLogger.Trace("Trace on. Should see this.")
testLogger.Trace("Trace off. Shouldn't see this.")
Output looks
// ./logs/test.log
[TRACE] 2021/06/20 17:20:34.787828 plog4go_test.go:25: Trace on. Should see this.
// Use std to file
InitStd(StdOutToConf{To: ToFile, ToDir: "./logs"})
fmt.Printf("To console log. Should see in file.")
Output looks
// ./logs/stdout.log // Auto rotate file when app restart. Filename like stdout.log.20210620.172034
To console log. should see in file.
// Use std to file
multiAppenderLogger, _ := GetLogger1("./logs/multiOutput.log", INFO, Hourly, 3, FileAppender|ConsoleAppender)
multiAppenderLogger.Trace("TRACE. Shouldn't see this in %s", "./logs/multiOutput.log & Console")
multiAppenderLogger.Debug("DEBUG. Shouldn't see this in %s", "./logs/multiOutput.log & Console")
multiAppenderLogger.Info("INFO. Should see this in %s", "./logs/multiOutput.log & Console")
multiAppenderLogger.Warn("WARN. Should see this in %s", "./logs/multiOutput.log & Console")
multiAppenderLogger.Error("ERROR. Should see this in %s", "./logs/multiOutput.log & Console")
Output looks
// ./logs/multiOutput.log
[INFO] 2021/06/26 11:54:18.489905 plog4go_test.go:73: INFO. Should see this in ./logs/multiOutput.log & Console
[WARN] 2021/06/26 11:54:18.489959 plog4go_test.go:74: WARN. Should see this in ./logs/multiOutput.log & Console
[ERROR] 2021/06/26 11:54:18.489988 plog4go_test.go:75: ERROR. Should see this in ./logs/multiOutput.log & Console
v0.5.0: Support timed rotate file appender. v0.7.0: Support multi appender(FileAppender|ConsoleAppender).
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