pip install -e .
pip install -r examples/pytorch/token-classification/requirements.txt
The code is based on adapter-transformers.
run following python files to generate sh files.
- S(t) : submit_scripts/gen_wikiann.py. Must be ran before the followings (to generate TAs)
- S(t) w/ param+ : submit_scripts/gen_wikiann_more_larger.py
- Fuse(L), Fuse(L-LAt) : submit_scripts/gen_fused_wikiann.py
- Fuse(L), Fuse(L-LAt) w/ ml (most resource-abundant) : submit_scripts/gen_fused_wikiann_ml.py
- S(t) : submit_scripts/gen_amazon.py. Must be ran before the followings (to generate TAs)
- Fuse(L), Fuse(L-LAt) : submit_scripts/gen_fused_amazon.py