Popeye 4.81
This is Release 4.81 of Popeye.
Downloading Popeye
Popeye executable
In order to use Popeye, you want to download an executable program or the source code to build an executable program yourself.
Windows 64bit: pywin64.exe
Windows 32bit: pywin32.exe
Linux: popeye-4.81-sources.zip
MacOS X: producing an executable for MacOS is always a hassle at best. I wasn't successful this time; if somebody can, I'll be happy to provide it here.
Instead of downloading the source zip archive, you can also clone the git repository or (I assume) use one of the Source Code links.
Usage guide
Download the usage guide in your favourite language:
py-engl.txt (English)
py-deut.txt (Deutsch)
py-fran.txt (Français)
Example input files
The example input file archives will help you input problems correctly:
popeye-4.81-examples.zip (English as input language)
popeye-4.81-beispiel.zip (German)
Changes since Popeye 4.79
New features
- conditions Breton and Breton Adverse
- condition Make&TakeChess
- condition LeseMajeste
- condition Rokagogo
Bug fixes
- condition antisupercirce (and others): option intelligent was erroneously accepted (issue 71)
- sstipulation: if the stipulation required mate with or without capture, then the solution was given both as check and mate (issue 228)
- condition anticirce: direct play problems with goal target square weren't solved (issue 231)
- piece bk (bouncy knight): Popeye didn't detect check correctly (issue 232)
- condition BichromeChess: Popeye would do queenside castlings (issue 232)
- piece re/be (rook eagle, bishop eagle): duplicate moves were generated
- condition WhiteMustCapture Ultra: Ultra was ignored
- option enpassant: only Black would capture en passant
- option duplex intelligent: illegal check in the diagram wasn't properly tested