This is my personal project created to apply my programming knowledge. In this project, I validate the ViaCEP public API using cucumber
and ruby
- It has Gherkin syntax in the features files.
Feature: Search for address
The ViaCEP public API allows to search for a address using a
8 digit zip code (e.g., '01001000'). Also the return format
must be defined, it can be JSON, XML, Querty...
Scenario: User informs valid zip code
Given a zip code search
And a value of <zipcode>
And the return format of "json"
When I search for the address
Then I validate the street value matches with <street>
| zipcode | street |
| 41205017 | Rua Tancredo Neves |
| 01001000 | Praça da Sé |
| 91420270 | Rua São Domingos |
# ...
- It has step definitions written in Ruby.
Given(/^a zip code search$/) do
@base_url = ''
And(/^a value of ([^"]*)$/) do |zipcode|
raise RuntimeError, 'The zip code is alphanumeric or does not have 8 digits'
@zipcode = zipcode
# ...
- It also has HTTP request using third party gem.
When (/^I search for the address$/) do
response = HTTParty.get("#{@base_url}/#{@zipcode}/#{@return_format}/")
if(response.code == 200)
@street = response.parsed_response['logradouro']
# ...
You can run the following script in the directory of the project to execute it (I do recommend to use the CMDER shell):
cucumber features\search_for_address.feature --publish-quiet
The --publish-quiet option is to disable a LOG message from the Cucumber framework
In case of success, the shell of your choice should output something like this:
$ cucumber features\search_for_address.feature --publish-quiet
Feature: Search for address
The ViaCEP public API allows to search for a address using a
8 digit zip code (e.g., '01001000'). Also the return format
must be defined, it can be JSON, XML, Querty...
Scenario: User informs valid zip code # features/search_for_address.feature:7
Given a zip code search # features/search_for_address.feature:8
And a value of <zipcode> # features/search_for_address.feature:9
And the return format of "json" # features/search_for_address.feature:10
When I search for the address # features/search_for_address.feature:11
Then I validate the street value matches with <street> # features/search_for_address.feature:12
| zipcode | street |
| 41205017 | Rua Tancredo Neves |
| 01001000 | Praça da Sé |
| 91420270 | Rua São Domingos |
3 scenarios (3 passed)
15 steps (15 passed)
That is pretty much it. Did you like my project? Star it and connect with me on my LinkedIn profile.