The code is to realize the table detection and character recognition in document. The method process is shown in following figure:
- Search the picture with table
- Table cutting
- Text detection
- Text recognition
path of input images
path of model weights
primary path of output of table detection
secondary path,which saves the original images with tables and json file recorded the bounding boxes of tables in images.
secondary path,which saves the visualization of table detection of original images.
path that saves the original images without tables
primary path, which saves the recognition results of characters in tables
secondary path, which saves the images of table cutting and bounding boxes of characters.
secondary path, which saves the visualization of character recognition in table.
directory, which records the resuts of character recognition
Semi process mode
put original images into data_new
table detection
character recognition
[detection + recognition]
- results detection results: data_new/jsondata recognition results: Result/reg.txt