Caliburn.Micro is a powerful framework for building WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone and Windows 8 Store apps. These additions make it easier to to get the most out of the framework.
The extras are available through NuGet:
Install-Package Caliburn.Micro.Extras
to use Caliburn.Micro Actions withICommand
- [Win8]
for displaying normal dialogs all around the screen
to show a MessageBoxIOpenFileService
to show an OpenFileDialogISaveFileService
to show an SaveFileDialogMessengerResult
wraps IMessageService with fluent configurationOpenFileResult
wraps IOpenFileService with fluent configurationSaveFileResult
wraps ISaveFileService with fluent configuration
powered by Weakly
- Module level bootstrappers (inspired by Splitting Application to Multiple Assemblies when using Caliburn.Micro)
control (inspired by Fast switching between ViewModels in Caliburn.Micro
to see Caliburn.Micro logging output in Visual StudioEventAggregatorExtensions
to publish messages on different Threads
always returns WasCancelled=trueDelegateResult
wraps an arbitrary Action or Func
decorates the result with an error handler which is executed when an error occursWhenChancelled()
decorates the result with an handler which is executed when the result was cancelledOverrideCancel()
decorates the result and overrides WasCancelled=false