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remove Tempo.hs in favor of the new Clock module from tidal-link and …
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polymorphicengine committed Dec 29, 2023
1 parent dcc7ddf commit 2817b22
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Showing 5 changed files with 110 additions and 425 deletions.
17 changes: 3 additions & 14 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Config where

import Data.Int(Int64)
import Foreign.C.Types (CDouble)
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock

Config.hs - For default Tidal configuration values.
Expand All @@ -25,31 +24,21 @@ data Config = Config {cCtrlListen :: Bool,
cCtrlAddr :: String,
cCtrlPort :: Int,
cCtrlBroadcast :: Bool,
cFrameTimespan :: Double,
cEnableLink :: Bool,
cProcessAhead :: Double,
cTempoAddr :: String,
cTempoPort :: Int,
cTempoClientPort :: Int,
cSkipTicks :: Int64,
cVerbose :: Bool,
cQuantum :: CDouble,
cBeatsPerCycle :: CDouble
cClockConfig :: Clock.ClockConfig

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config {cCtrlListen = True,
cCtrlAddr ="",
cCtrlPort = 6010,
cCtrlBroadcast = False,
cFrameTimespan = 1/20,
cEnableLink = True,
cProcessAhead = 3/10,
cTempoAddr = "",
cTempoPort = 9160,
cTempoClientPort = 0, -- choose at random
cSkipTicks = 10,
cVerbose = True,
cQuantum = 4,
cBeatsPerCycle = 4
cClockConfig = Clock.defaultConfig
184 changes: 80 additions & 104 deletions src/Sound/Tidal/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ import Sound.Tidal.Config
import Sound.Tidal.Core (stack, (#))
import Sound.Tidal.ID
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Link as Link
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
import Sound.Tidal.Params (pS)
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Tempo as T
import Sound.Tidal.Utils ((!!!))
import Data.List (sortOn)
import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR)
Expand All @@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ data Stream = Stream {sConfig :: Config,
sBusses :: MVar [Int],
sStateMV :: MVar ValueMap,
-- sOutput :: MVar ControlPattern,
sLink :: Link.AbletonLink,
sClockRef :: Clock.ClockRef,
sListen :: Maybe O.Udp,
sPMapMV :: MVar PlayMap,
sActionsMV :: MVar [T.TempoAction],
sGlobalFMV :: MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern),
sCxs :: [Cx]
Expand All @@ -72,7 +71,6 @@ data Cx = Cx {cxTarget :: Target,
cxAddr :: N.AddrInfo,
cxBusAddr :: Maybe N.AddrInfo
deriving (Show)

data StampStyle = BundleStamp
| MessageStamp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,7 +203,6 @@ startStream config oscmap
pMapMV <- newMVar Map.empty
bussesMV <- newMVar []
globalFMV <- newMVar id
actionsMV <- newEmptyMVar

tidal_status_string >>= verbose config
verbose config $ "Listening for external controls on " ++ cCtrlAddr config ++ ":" ++ show (cCtrlPort config)
Expand All @@ -221,26 +218,23 @@ startStream config oscmap
) (oAddress target) (oPort target)
return $ Cx {cxUDP = u, cxAddr = remote_addr, cxBusAddr = remote_bus_addr, cxTarget = target, cxOSCs = os}
) oscmap
let bpm = (coerce defaultCps) * 60 * (cBeatsPerCycle config)
abletonLink <- Link.create bpm

clockRef <- Clock.clocked ((cClockConfig config) {Clock.cTickAction = doTick sMapMV bussesMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen})

let stream = Stream {sConfig = config,
sBusses = bussesMV,
sStateMV = sMapMV,
sLink = abletonLink,
sClockRef = clockRef,
-- sLink = abletonLink,
sListen = listen,
sPMapMV = pMapMV,
sActionsMV = actionsMV,
-- sActionsMV = actionsMV,
sGlobalFMV = globalFMV,
sCxs = cxs

sendHandshakes stream
let ac = T.ActionHandler {
T.onTick = onTick stream,
T.onSingleTick = onSingleTick stream,
T.updatePattern = updatePattern stream
-- Spawn a thread that acts as the clock
_ <- T.clocked config sMapMV pMapMV actionsMV ac abletonLink

-- Spawn a thread to handle OSC control messages
_ <- forkIO $ ctrlResponder 0 config stream
return stream
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -361,7 +355,7 @@ toOSC busses pe osc@(OSC _ _)
playmsg | peHasOnset pe = do
-- If there is already cps in the event, the union will preserve that.
let extra = Map.fromList [("cps", (VF (coerce $! peCps pe))),
("delta", VF (T.addMicrosToOsc (peDelta pe) 0)),
("delta", VF (Clock.addMicrosToOsc (peDelta pe) 0)),
("cycle", VF (fromRational (peCycle pe)))
addExtra = Map.union playmap' extra
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,40 +394,27 @@ toOSC _ pe (OSCContext oscpath)
ts = (peOnWholeOrPartOsc pe) + nudge -- + latency

-- Used for Tempo callback
updatePattern :: Stream -> ID -> Time -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
updatePattern stream k !t pat = do
let x = queryArc pat (Arc 0 0)
pMap <- seq x $ takeMVar (sPMapMV stream)
let playState = updatePS $ Map.lookup (fromID k) pMap
putMVar (sPMapMV stream) $ Map.insert (fromID k) playState pMap
where updatePS (Just playState) = do playState {pattern = pat', history = pat:(history playState)}
updatePS Nothing = PlayState pat' False False [pat']
patControls = Map.singleton patternTimeID (VR t)
pat' = withQueryControls (Map.union patControls)
$ pat # pS "_id_" (pure $ fromID k)

processCps :: T.LinkOperations -> [Event ValueMap] -> IO [ProcessedEvent]
processCps :: Clock.LinkOperations -> [Event ValueMap] -> IO [ProcessedEvent]
processCps ops = mapM processEvent
processEvent :: Event ValueMap -> IO ProcessedEvent
processEvent e = do
let wope = wholeOrPart e
partStartCycle = start $ part e
partStartBeat = (T.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac partStartCycle)
partStartBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac partStartCycle)
onCycle = start wope
onBeat = (T.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac onCycle)
onBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac onCycle)
offCycle = stop wope
offBeat = (T.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac offCycle)
on <- (T.timeAtBeat ops) onBeat
onPart <- (T.timeAtBeat ops) partStartBeat
offBeat = (Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (realToFrac offCycle)
on <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) onBeat
onPart <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) partStartBeat
when (eventHasOnset e) (do
let cps' = Map.lookup "cps" (value e) >>= getF
maybe (return ()) (\newCps -> (T.setTempo ops) ((T.cyclesToBeat ops) (newCps * 60)) on) $ coerce cps'
maybe (return ()) (\newCps -> (Clock.setTempo ops) ((Clock.cyclesToBeat ops) (newCps * 60)) on) $ coerce cps'
off <- (T.timeAtBeat ops) offBeat
bpm <- (T.getTempo ops)
let cps = ((T.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
off <- (Clock.timeAtBeat ops) offBeat
bpm <- (Clock.getTempo ops)
let cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
let delta = off - on
return $! ProcessedEvent {
peHasOnset = eventHasOnset e,
Expand All @@ -442,9 +423,9 @@ processCps ops = mapM processEvent
peDelta = delta,
peCycle = onCycle,
peOnWholeOrPart = on,
peOnWholeOrPartOsc = (T.linkToOscTime ops) on,
peOnWholeOrPartOsc = (Clock.linkToOscTime ops) on,
peOnPart = onPart,
peOnPartOsc = (T.linkToOscTime ops) onPart
peOnPartOsc = (Clock.linkToOscTime ops) onPart

Expand All @@ -453,33 +434,26 @@ streamOnce :: Stream -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamOnce st p = do i <- getStdRandom $ randomR (0, 8192)
streamFirst st $ rotL (toRational (i :: Int)) p

-- here let's do modifyMVar_ on actions
streamFirst :: Stream -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamFirst stream pat = modifyMVar_ (sActionsMV stream) (\actions -> return $ (T.SingleTick pat) : actions)

-- Used for Tempo callback
onTick :: Stream -> TickState -> T.LinkOperations -> ValueMap -> IO ValueMap
onTick stream st ops s
= doTick stream st ops s
streamFirst stream pat = onSingleTick (sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream) (sStateMV stream) (sBusses stream) (sPMapMV stream) (sGlobalFMV stream) (sCxs stream) (sListen stream) pat

-- Used for Tempo callback
-- Tempo changes will be applied.
-- However, since the full arc is processed at once and since Link does not support
-- scheduling, tempo change may affect scheduling of events that happen earlier
-- in the normal stream (the one handled by onTick).
onSingleTick :: Stream -> T.LinkOperations -> ValueMap -> ControlPattern -> IO ValueMap
onSingleTick stream ops s pat = do
onSingleTick :: Config -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> Maybe O.Udp -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
onSingleTick config clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
ops <- Clock.getZeroedLinkOperations (cClockConfig config) clockRef
pMapMV <- newMVar $ Map.singleton "fake"
(PlayState {pattern = pat,
mute = False,
solo = False,
history = []

-- The nowArc is a full cycle
let state = TickState {tickArc = (Arc 0 1), tickNudge = 0}
doTick (stream {sPMapMV = pMapMV}) state ops s
doTick stateMV busMV pMapMV globalFMV cxs listen (0,1) 0 ops

-- | Query the current pattern (contained in argument @stream :: Stream@)
Expand All @@ -495,25 +469,24 @@ onSingleTick stream ops s pat = do
-- this function prints a warning and resets the current pattern
-- to the previous one (or to silence if there isn't one) and continues,
-- because the likely reason is that something is wrong with the current pattern.
doTick :: Stream -> TickState -> T.LinkOperations -> ValueMap -> IO ValueMap
doTick stream st ops sMap =
doTick :: MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar PlayMap -> MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> [Cx] -> Maybe O.Udp -> (Time,Time) -> Double -> Clock.LinkOperations -> IO ()
doTick stateMV busMV playMV globalFMV cxs listen (st,end) nudge ops =
E.handle (\ (e :: E.SomeException) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to Stream.doTick: " ++ show e
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Return to previous pattern."
setPreviousPatternOrSilence stream
return sMap) (do
pMap <- readMVar (sPMapMV stream)
busses <- readMVar (sBusses stream)
sGlobalF <- readMVar (sGlobalFMV stream)
bpm <- (T.getTempo ops)
setPreviousPatternOrSilence playMV) (do
sMap <- takeMVar stateMV
pMap <- readMVar playMV
busses <- readMVar busMV
sGlobalF <- readMVar globalFMV
bpm <- (Clock.getTempo ops)
cxs = sCxs stream
patstack = sGlobalF $ playStack pMap
cps = ((T.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
cps = ((Clock.beatToCycles ops) bpm) / 60
sMap' = Map.insert "_cps" (VF $ coerce cps) sMap
extraLatency = tickNudge st
extraLatency = nudge
-- First the state is used to query the pattern
es = sortOn (start . part) $ query patstack (State {arc = tickArc st,
es = sortOn (start . part) $ query patstack (State {arc = Arc st end,
controls = sMap'
Expand All @@ -528,13 +501,14 @@ doTick stream st ops sMap =
ms = concatMap (\e -> concatMap (toOSC busses e) oscs) tes
-- send the events to the OSC target
forM_ ms $ \ m -> (do
send (sListen stream) cx latency extraLatency m) `E.catch` \ (e :: E.SomeException) -> do
send listen cx latency extraLatency m) `E.catch` \ (e :: E.SomeException) -> do
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Failed to send. Is the '" ++ oName target ++ "' target running? " ++ show e
sMap'' `seq` return sMap'')
putMVar stateMV sMap'')

setPreviousPatternOrSilence :: Stream -> IO ()
setPreviousPatternOrSilence stream =
modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV stream) $ return
setPreviousPatternOrSilence :: MVar PlayMap -> IO ()
setPreviousPatternOrSilence playMV =
modifyMVar_ playMV $ return
. ( \ pMap -> case history pMap of
_:p:ps -> pMap { pattern = p, history = p:ps }
_ -> pMap { pattern = silence, history = [silence] }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -564,13 +538,28 @@ send listen cx latency extraLatency (time, isBusMsg, m)
-- Interaction

streamNudgeAll :: Stream -> Double -> IO ()
streamNudgeAll s nudge = T.setNudge (sActionsMV s) nudge
streamNudgeAll s = Clock.setNudge (sClockRef s)

streamResetCycles :: Stream -> IO ()
streamResetCycles s = streamSetCycle s 0

streamSetCycle :: Stream -> Time -> IO ()
streamSetCycle s cyc = T.setCycle cyc (sActionsMV s)
streamSetCycle s = Clock.setClock (sClockRef s)

streamSetBPM :: Stream -> Time -> IO ()
streamSetBPM s = Clock.setBPM (sClockRef s)

streamSetCPS :: Stream -> Time -> IO ()
streamSetCPS s = Clock.setCPS (cClockConfig $ sConfig s) (sClockRef s)

streamGetCPS :: Stream -> IO Time
streamGetCPS s = Clock.getCPS (cClockConfig $ sConfig s)(sClockRef s)

streamGetBPM :: Stream -> IO Time
streamGetBPM s = Clock.getBPM (sClockRef s)

streamGetNow :: Stream -> IO Time
streamGetNow s = Clock.getCycleTime (cClockConfig $ sConfig s)(sClockRef s)

hasSolo :: Map.Map k PlayState -> Bool
hasSolo = (>= 1) . length . filter solo . Map.elems
Expand All @@ -585,11 +574,26 @@ streamList s = do pMap <- readMVar (sPMapMV s)
showKV False (k, (PlayState {solo = False})) = k ++ "\n"
showKV False (k, _) = "(" ++ k ++ ") - muted\n"

-- Evaluation of pat is forced so exceptions are picked up here, before replacing the existing pattern.
-- Used for Tempo callback
updatePattern :: Stream -> ID -> Time -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
updatePattern stream k !t pat = do
let x = queryArc pat (Arc 0 0)
pMap <- seq x $ takeMVar (sPMapMV stream)
let playState = updatePS $ Map.lookup (fromID k) pMap
putMVar (sPMapMV stream) $ Map.insert (fromID k) playState pMap
where updatePS (Just playState) = do playState {pattern = pat', history = pat:(history playState)}
updatePS Nothing = PlayState pat' False False [pat']
patControls = Map.singleton patternTimeID (VR t)
pat' = withQueryControls (Map.union patControls)
$ pat # pS "_id_" (pure $ fromID k)

-- Evaluation of pat is forced so exceptions are picked up here, before replacing the existing pattern.
streamReplace :: Stream -> ID -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamReplace s k !pat
= modifyMVar_ (sActionsMV s) (\actions -> return $ (T.StreamReplace k pat) : actions)
streamReplace stream k !pat = do
t <- Clock.getCycleTime (cClockConfig $ sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream)
updatePattern stream k t pat

-- = modifyMVar_ (sActionsMV s) (\actions -> return $ (T.StreamReplace k pat) : actions)

streamMute :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
streamMute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {mute = True})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,31 +741,3 @@ verbose c s = when (cVerbose c) $ putStrLn s

recvMessagesTimeout :: (O.Transport t) => Double -> t -> IO [O.Message]
recvMessagesTimeout n sock = fmap (maybe [] O.packetMessages) $ O.recvPacketTimeout n sock

streamGetcps :: Stream -> IO Double
streamGetcps s = do
let config = sConfig s
ss <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState (sLink s)
bpm <- Link.getTempo ss
Link.destroySessionState ss
return $! coerce $ bpm / (cBeatsPerCycle config) / 60

streamGetnow :: Stream -> IO Double
streamGetnow s = do
let config = sConfig s
ss <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState (sLink s)
now <- Link.clock (sLink s)
beat <- Link.beatAtTime ss now (cQuantum config)
Link.destroySessionState ss
return $! coerce $ beat / (cBeatsPerCycle config)

getProcessAhead :: Stream -> Link.Micros
getProcessAhead str = round $ (cProcessAhead $ sConfig str) * 100000

streamGetAhead :: Stream -> IO Double
streamGetAhead str = do
ss <- Link.createAndCaptureAppSessionState (sLink str)
now <- Link.clock (sLink str)
beat <- Link.beatAtTime ss (now + (getProcessAhead str)) (cQuantum $! sConfig str)
Link.destroySessionState ss
return $ coerce $! beat / (cBeatsPerCycle $! sConfig str)

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