This is Rescript binding for Dayjs. While the bindings for Plugins are still work in progress, it should be enough in most circumstances.
yarn add @ggteven/rescript-dayjs
npm install @ggteven/rescript-dayjs
Add rescript-dayjs to bs-dependencies
"bs-dependencies": [
You can find usage exmples in the test folder
Extend the plugin like in js. The extend and the usage should be in the same file
While bindings for many plugins are still work inprogress, you can bind your own plugin and give it a plugin
type. Then give it to the extend function. All should happen in a same file
external plugin: Day.plugin = "dayjs/plugin/isToday"
external isToday: (Day.dayjs, unit) => bool = "isToday"
Day.extend(plugin)>isToday // true
Check Dayjs documentation for available props.