This project is a quite simple (and not very optimized) raytracer. I would say it is more useful to anyone wanting to develop a raytracer and trying to find inspiration or help from other implementations (as I sure did from other projects (I had a very hard time with those nasty cylinders)).
But I would say it can give quite nice results and gained a rather nice interface. As a matter of fact, I used it to render results from other projects (like elplant) and it turns out to be very useful.
- Can load scenes from YAML files
- Handles multiples kind of object (Spheres, Planes, Cylinders, Triangles)
- Transparent (refractive) textures
- Other mostly experimental features (blobs of charged particles, ...)
- cmake
- Boost (program_options)
- OpenMP
- yaml-cpp
# In project root
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
$ make
$ ./raytracer --help
Options: :
--help Display this information
--demo Run demo scene
-s [ --save ] arg Disable real time mode and save rendered scene to
a ppm (if no filename specified it uses a
datetime format)
-l [ --load ] arg Load yaml <file>
-w [ --width ] arg (=1920) Width of the real time display and/or saved image
-h [ --height ] arg (=1080) Height of the real time display and/or saved