This app was created as the final project for my course in Front-End Engineering at The Iron Yard in St. Petersburg, FL.
##TODO / Task List
- page automatically scrolls to the top of a page when changing pages
- close navbar with click anywhere OUTSIDE the nav.
###Home Page
- backdoor for people who don't have Strava or maybe some other type of login? (especially for Demo Day)
- after login with Strava direct users to Profile page.
####Home Page Stretch Goals...
- add progress indicators (dots?)
- Parallax effect on home page?
###Profile Pages
- style for displaying MyStats
- separate/distinguish the info groups
- style "today" stats bigger/better
- Donate button that brings up DonateModal
- Add a button to go to MyGroups?
- separate donation modules for
- profile page (showing my TOTAL donations & my group's TOTAL donations)
- group page (showing my total donations TO THAT GROUP and the TOTAL DONATIONS OF THAT GROUP - sorry for shouting)
###My Groups Pages
- # of current members displayed in each segment
- Add members button
- style input field to create new Groups
- increment the number of members as they are added
- better instruction text for how to start a new group.
- style group links
###Individual Group Pages
- basic style for leaderboard and make as a component
- Group name in header
- button to delete a group.
- add Members button.
- profile pics in leaderboard, if no pic then display "fa-user-o"
###Add Members modal
- better text
- functional?
###Donate modal
- needs to include fields for
- First name
- Last name
- Styling for the group drop-down selector
###CreateNewGroup modal
- empty form after creating a group
- prevent yellow active glow
- style similar to main footer
- stick to bottom of page
###About Pages
- compelling content text "start with why"
- basic styling
- 2 column chunks on screens wider than 640
- [ ]
- compelling content text
- basic email form and social media stuff?
- compelling content text
- breadcrumbs for
- create a group
- delete a group
- make a donation
###Database schema
users can start groups
users can own groups
each group has one owner
each owner can have many groups
each group has many users
each user can have many groups
users can make donations
each user can have many charities
each user can donate to many groups
each group can
if a member of a group wins their weekly "dash" the total given to the group for that week goes to the charity of their choice.