This is a Micropython + LVGL project that aims to provide an electronic shopping list that integrates to Grocy. It's designed to run on an M5Stack Core2 board with the Faces QWERTY I2C keyboard and a joiny thinger.
It should run on other ESP32-based hardware with suitable modification. Do yourself a favour and get something with some PSRAM though.
On 2021-08-09 I was informed by the manufacturer that they are planning to end-of-line the FACES range. Bummer!
Use M5Burner (Closed source software! Boo! Hiss!) to write the latest version of the UIFlow firmware to your device.
Since you can't really trust software you can't build yourself, I recommend blocking the MAC address of your device in your router such that it cannot contact the internet. It's what I did.
You may like to use the
script to help with flashing things to your device directly via serial. It uses ampy
under the hood.
Create a
and include that on your device, along with everything in the src
ssid = 'myverysecretssid'
password = 'myequallysecretpassword'
grocy_api_key = 'beansbeansbeansbeansbeansbeansbeans'
grocy_domain = ''