Uses Vagrant and Ansible to deploy a single node Kubernetes cluster with StorageOS Installed
Utilizing Vagrant and ansible provided here are instructions for a simple local testing enviroment to get up and running quickly for development of crunncy containers and or the crunchy postgres operator.
The goal of the steps below is to have a basic virtual environment from which the Crunchy Containers and the Crunchy Postgres Operator can be utilized with a minimum of hands on configuration. At the end of this guide, you should have a functional VM test environment.
First, Install git if not already installed.
For the virtual machine itself, download and install VirtualBox
Next, you will need to install Vagrant on your host operatoring system.
Once Installed, you will also neeed the Vagrant Host Manager, which is installed with the following command
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
Finally you will need to clone the vagrant project reposity to you local system.
git clone
Now that you environment is ready, cd to the newly created simple-deploy-kube folder and run
vagrant up
Once completed, run the command below to log into the new vm and view the availbe nodes
vagrant ssh kube1
kubectl get nodes
After logging in, you can simply clone the Crunchy Postgres Operator project with
git clone
And follow the installation guide provided
Please keep in mind that this VM is only configured to use StorageOS storage! If you’d like to use other storage options, those will need to be installed manually.