Mathematical plotting library use to Bitmap
#include "mplotlib.cpp"
int main()
MPlotlib mp2("m2"); // set bitmap file name
mp2.set_max(200 ,200); // bitmap file width and height
mp2.set_grid(true); // open grid
float x2[] = {0.80 ,1.10 ,2.13 ,3.20 ,4.25 ,5.72 ,6.85 ,7.110 ,8.120 ,9.155};
float y2[] = {.80 ,2.10 ,3.20 ,4.30 ,5.40 ,6.99 ,7.111 ,8.129 ,8.137 ,9.210};
std::sort(x2, x2 + 10); // array_size + array
std::sort(y2, y2 + 10); // array_size + array
mp2.draw_plot(x2 ,y2 ,10 ,'c');
return 0;
İncluding Libray and Create Object
#include "mplotlib.h"
MPlotlib mp("plot_name");
Setting plot name
Set grid
mp.set_grid(true); // open grid
mp.set_grid(false); // close grid, default use
Setting max values
mp.set_max(maximum_x_value, maximum_y_values);
Sorting your arrays
float x2[] = {.80 ,1.10 ,2.13 ,3.20 ,4.25 ,5.72 ,6.85 ,7.110 ,8.120 ,9.155};
float y2[] = {.80 ,2.10 ,3.20 ,4.30 ,5.40 ,6.99 ,7.111 ,8.129 ,8.137 ,9.210};
std::sort(x2, x2 + array_size);
std::sort(y2, y2 + array_size);