Just a place to track my work on my personal Home Assistant configuration, and learn as I go. Maybe also TRY to keep myself a little bit more organized ;)
I have recently started using the Node-RED Projects feature, which makes version control for my flows a LOT easier than it was before.
With this change, the Node-RED flows are now in their own repo. They can be found at HA-NerdFlows.
I am fairly new to this, and while I'm learning to do a lot of it myself, I have definitely pulled ideas (in most cases modifying them for my needs) from other sources as well. Some of the most noteworthy are below.
- SlackerLabs - This guy has a lot of EXCELLENT videos on his YouTube channel and is very good at explaining things in a way that someone new to all of this can understand. His old repo where I got a lot of my ideas is here.
- Everything Smart Home - I haven't used much code from him, because to my knowledge he doesn't publish it anywhere. But his videos ARE very informative and well-made, and I have learned a lot from watching them. Many ideas have been gained from this channel.
These aren't all the ones I have installed...just the ones I am actively using or will use soon
Click here
- Adaptive Lighting
- Alexa Media Player
- Weatheralerts
- Spotcast
- iCloud3
- Mail and Packages
- Scheduler
- Anniversaries
- Presence Simulation
- Node-RED Companion
- Holidays
- Twitch Helix
- Local Tuya
- Pirate Weather
- Holidays
- Thermal Comfort
- HASS.Agent Notifier
- HASS.Agent Media Player
- Music Assistant
- Blitzortung Lightning Detector
- Midea Air Conditioning
- WeatherAPI
- Browser Mod
- Watchman
- HA Team Tracker
- PyScript
- Hass Animated Scenes
- Jokes
- Google Photos
- Uptime Kuma
- Jellyfin
- Sonoff LAN
- Powercalc
- Govee LAN Control
- Discord Game
Again, mostly just the ones I'm using or will use soon...also a few that I'm putting in here so that I don't forget about them later.
Click here
- Bubble Card
- Config Template Card
- Decluttering Card
- Card Tools (required for various other cards)
- Layout Card
- Scheduler Card (required for Scheduler component)
- Horizon Card
- Lovelace Home Feed Card
- Mini Graph Card
- Battery State Card
- Compass Card
- Flipdown Timer Card
- Atomic Calendar Revive
- Plotly Graph Card
- Mushroom
- Apexcharts Card
- Auto Entities Card
- Slider Button Card
- Weather Radar Card
- Platinum Weather Card (Not currently in use, but VERY nicely done)
- Stack In Card
- Paper Buttons Row
- State Switch
- Multiple Entity Row
- Weather Card
- Template Entity Row
- Canvas Gauge Card
- Datetime Card
- Waze Travel Time
- Fold Entity Row
- Slider Entity Row
- Room Card
- Simple Thermostat Card
- Clock Weather Card
- Tabbed Card
- HA Team Tracker Card
- Banner Card
- Lovelace Lock Card
- Card Templater
- Energy Overview Card
- Button Card
- Number Box Card
- Restriction Card
- Timer Bar Card
- Minimalistic Area Card
- Sankey Chart Card
- Hourly Weather Card
- Formula One Card
- UV Index Card
- Github Flexi Card
- Windrose Card
- Swipe Card
- Meteoalarm Card
- Weather Chart Card
- Comfortable Environment Card
Click here
Click here
- Noctis - edited for my specific needs
- Hass Hue Icons
- Thermal Comfort Icons
- BHA Icon Pack
- Custom Icons Library
- FontAwesome