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tmeasday edited this page Sep 18, 2012 · 8 revisions

Meteor Router API

This is a document explaining a potential API for routing in meteor. This may end up making it's way into core or simply remain separate in this smart package.

The idea is to re-write the package without a reliance on backbone, and to set it up in a way that makes more sense in the meteor world and is more in the spirit of other meteor APIs.


To find the current page:


Note that as in the current version of the package, this variable will usually be accessed via the currentPage helper to render a specific variable, as in:

  <!-- this will render the 'news' template in the current example -->
  {{{render currentPage}}}

To define a route:

  'news': function () {
    return 'news';

When the user browses to /news, the currentPage will be set to whatever this function returns. Note that the function will be called reactively -- i.e. if it checks any reactive dependencies and they change, then it will be re-run and the currentPage variable may change. (Return something falsy to not change the currentPage variable).

To navigate to a page:'news');

Changes the URL to and triggers any relevant functions (as if the user had browsed there directly).

Routing paths + variables

The path may contain :variables which will be provided to the routing function; additionally, this and more is available in the the this object:

  'posts/:id': function(id) {
     console.log('we are at ' + this.path);
     console.log("we've matched: " + this.matches);
     console.log("our parameters: " + this.parameters);

     Session.set('currentPostId', id);
     return 'showPost';

Route filters

After filters

The current system of filtering in this package is the equivalent of an after_filter in rails. A potential API:

  'checkLoggedIn': function(page) {
    if (Meteor.user()) {
      if (Meteor.user().loading) {
        return 'loading';
      } else {
        return page;
    } else {
      return 'signin';

And to use it, simply provide a set of names to apply it to via only, or not to apply it to with except:

  'checkLoggedIn': {only: ['dashboard', 'newPost', 'newComment']}

Before filters

Before filters are more tricky because it's unclear how to apply them. I don't want to think about this too hard until I know whether this is the sort of thing the router should be doing (I feel like it probably has to though because choosing to show loading or 404 is definitely a routing issue).

  'waitForData': function(id, collection, routingFn) {
    var object = collection.findOne(id);
    if (object) {
      return routingFn(object);

    // this is a method a collection that doesn't currently exist, but maybe should
    } else if (collection.loading()) {
      return 'loading';
    } else {
      return '404';

Mapping objects/models to routes.

To make it simple to get the URL that corresponds to an object:{
  "post": function(post) {
    return "posts/" + post._id;

And to use it

// returns 'posts/7' for instance
Meteor.Router.for("posts", post);

Or directly:

// takes us to 'posts/7' right now"posts", post);

Connecting, rails style

Taking this idea even further, we could define

Meteor.Router.connect('posts', Posts, function(post) {
  return {'showPost', post};

Which could potentially take care of setting up a map from simple posts to posts/:id, and a routing function which pulls the relevant post from the Posts collection (probably using something like the waitForData filter above). Unsure about if this is a good idea.