The software stack for the TMForum OpenAPI reference implementation is a standard J2EE EJB3 implementation comprised of:
- JPA 2.0 for persistence via EclipseLink
- JAX-RS 2.0 implementation via Jersey for RESTful services
- Jackson for processing JSON
- AntPathFilter for filtering JSON objects
- MySQL or Apache Derby database (configurable)
- Maven for build
- Glassfish application server 4.0 or greater
- Git and GitHub for configuration control
- JElastic runtime environment (PaaS)
The artifact is a standard .war file that is deployed on the Glassfish server.
The software architecture is layered, to address separation of concerns.
Models are standard JPA annotated POJOs that get deployed as RDBMS tables.
Models will always be implemented by developers on a per API basis. Models are further annotated with Jackson annotations, to serialize/deserialize date fields. Date and datetime fields are stored in a custom format.
Facades manage the EJB EntityManager, handle the transaction lifecycle and validate input data.
AbstractFacade is a complex but boiler plate implementation that should not be changed by developers. Other resource specific facades should always extend AbstractFacade and will be implemented by developers on a per resource basis.
Resources are standard JAX-RS Jersey implementations and provide REST services
The Resource path along with any path params, must fully align with the Swagger documentation and API specification for each API and the respective resources and verbs. The services consume and produce JSON and invoke Facades, to validate, retrieve and store data.
Common Utilities support the implementation by providing utility functions that may be invoked by the Facade and Resource layers.
The custom datatime handler, Jackson property filter, Jackson deserializer and other such utilities feature in this package. Most of these utilities are boiler plate and should not need any modifications. You may however add your own API/project specific utilities to this package.
- is a standard Jersey approach to registering packages that manage resources.
Barring boiler plate packages, you must register your resource packages here. Note: We create and register a custom JacksonFeature class, due to a known Glassfish bug. DO NOT change or remove this implementation.
persistence.xml, glassfish-web.xml and glassfish-resources.xml are standard but key configuration files that manage the entire application settings. You will have to modify these settings, based on the type of database you've chosen (MySQL or Apache Derby), login credentials for the database, applcation context path etc.
All other files are boiler plate implementations for parsing URLs, handling custom exceptions, security and standard configuration files. These should be no need to modify any of these files.
The application supports an event driven mechanism where listeners may subscribe to be notified of changes to resources. Each listener may submit a callback URL to the "Hub" and subscribe to changes of interest. The changes span Creation, Value Changes, State Changes and Removal activities.
To support this, the following models exist:
- Hub
Hub is the repository of subscribers with their respective callback URLs.
- Event tables for each resource (e.g. Agreement, AgreementSpec)
Event tables hold the history of events for the associated resource. An event will be registered in the Event table and then each subscriber registered in the Hub will be notified of the event.