The Project is created by two high school students in Shenzhen, China.
- Telegram @neteroster
- Telegram @redapple0204
- EMAIL [email protected]
- EMAIL [email protected]
- EMAIL [email protected]
vim-config: Vim config provided by @KGuan vim-config
goWiki A markdown tools written in Go goWiki(LZZ)
ARCH Linux Images arch vmdk & tar
PCS Baidu Cloud Download Tools(Bat) bat pcs
Github issue backup tools(Powershell) github issue backup
storgeGo key-value storage system(server side), written in Go
storgeGo Python SDK Python SDK of storgeGo
ScreenFetch Yeah, just screenfetcher(shoots every 5s, automatically compressing)
goDown Multi-thread downloading tools written in Go
BaiduNetDiskCloudDownloader Baidu Netdisk offline downloader
gdrive-proxy Transit your Google Drives' files stream and get direct links
Have wonderful scripts or ideas? Create pull requests now!