This is a bot that constatly checks for replies to a main tweet and replies to these replies with a result of what the their replied text would generate in both SD & Dallee AI models.
Note to self
- Explain this better.
[ Initial Tweet ]
- [ Reply tweet 1] → [fn] → [image: dalle2 & SD2]
- [ Reply tweet 2] → [fn] → [image: dalle2 & SD2]
Implementation of [Fn]
- Success criteria
- must act on a reply tweet only onces
- must validate the tweet as a valid prompt
- must be asynchronous (non-blocking)
- must check if the reply user is following
Poll every x mins and store unique reply id in the db
- [cronJob]* (x mins) → [fn1]
- [fn1: get unique replies and save to db]
- → [Twitter: get replies to a tweet]
- → [validation]
- valid prompt
- check reply user is following
- → [Db: Find or create new record]
- tweet_id [uniq]
- text as prompt
- openAiUrl
- sdUrl
- → [Callback: listen for creation of new record to the db] → (async)[fn2]
- [fn2: handle getting image from prompt]
- → [openAi: call open ai api]
- prompt
- callback url (/openai/{id}
- id
- → [sd2: call sd api]
- prompt
- callback url (/sd/{id}
- id
- → [openAi: call open ai api]
- [Api: callback url]
- get id, url from callback
- update the db
- [onUpdate] → [fn3]
- [fn3]
- check if both have url values
- tweet to tweet_id
recieve a request with a callback url
respond with request recieved
when task (image generation) is complete
send image urls to the callback url
- Important comands:
- $ firebase serve
- $ firebase emulators:start
- $ firebase deploy --only functions
- $ ./ngrok http 5001 (in dir w ngrok installed)
Notes: Pubsub(publisher subscriber model) - Pub/Sub helps build robust, scalable systems of applications by integrating them asynchronously. Pub/Sub allows for having a retry mechanism when microserves are down. In this case the replicate API when attempting to create the text-to-art images.
CLoud pub/sub is a fully managed real time messaging service that allows you to send and recieve between independetn applications.
Using pub/sub within your acrichteture, microservices dont need to know about each other. The only thing needed is they need to pub/sub and recieving the right messages
If any microservce goes down pub/sub stores the message for 7 days/ until the microservice is back online/available.
Used Ngrox to forward http request. This is because firbase emulators dont use https(local testing)
Pubsub is more like SNS than SQS therefore for GCP the equiv of SQS is cloud Tasks!
- SQS : Messages are persisted for some duration is no consumer available. The retention period value is from 1 minute to 14 days. The default is 4 days.
- SNS : No persistence. Whichever consumer is present at the time of message arrival, get the message and the message is deleted. If no consumers available then the message is lost.
Choose SQS if:
- You need a simple queue with no particular additional requirements.
- Decoupling two applications and allowing parallel asynchronous processing.
- Only one subscriber is needed.