Generate cryptocoin addresses in python.
Supports BTC, LTC, DOGE, and TESTNET.
To generate coins: ./bin/generate-coin-address btc|ltc|doge
NOTE: May take some time depending on the available entropy.
To check the balance: ./bin/balance-check address1 address2 ...
NOTE: Only BTC, LTC, and TESTNET supported through
License: MIT
Author: Tocho Tochev (tocho [at] tochev [dot] net)
- bitcoin: 18NxneUZRtJfWEhNUM3run2keCGjYBjkMc
- litecoin: LXwG2cPLFoQbTukKrorCAGRuGoKd8jCTwA
This software is Experimental. The API will likely change in the future.