Asteroids game demo using OpenGL (fixed function pipeline). WASD to move, space to shoot, click + move mouse to control the ship.
See video in About section.
Notable features:
- Skyboxes
- Directional and moving point lights
- Ship model (obj, loaded with tinyobjloader)
- Animated textures (bullets, explosions)
- Asteroid physics (elastic collisions)
- Quaternions used to control ship and camera rotation
See README.pdf
for a detailed breakdown of the above.
Original README contents:
- Source files are in src folder.
- Visual studio solution is in vs folder.
- External libraries needed to compile OpenGL programs using visual studio are in libs.
- When creating new source files using visual studio, you should make sure they go in the src folder.
- Compiled executables are placed in this folder.
- Don't delete freeglut.dll, it's needed.
- Compile 64 bit versions only, as freeglut.dll is a 64 bit dll.