For workshops and sessions, the copy-pastable commands for running tests
I installed VMware player and CentOS on an image and put my instructions up on my site here: centos 7 setup
Here are the commands I used that I found at Docker install instructions
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
yum-config-manager --add-repo
yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
systemctl start docker
docker run hello-world
Set up the folders needed for test output, a configuration file, and set the permissions. I still plan to run everything as root or sudo for now
mkdir docker-tests
chmod o+w docker-tests/
chmod o+w docker-tests/*
mkdir docker-tests/pa11y
vim docker-tests/pa11y/config.json
The config file contents are below:
[root@c7v2 ~]# cat pa11y/config.json
"defaults": {
"chromeLaunchConfig": {
"args": ["--no-sandbox"]
"timeout": 60000
"urls": [
Here is the sauce of the work here:
docker run --rm --name lighthouse -it -v /root/docker-tests/lighthouse:/home/chrome/reports --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN femtopixel/google-lighthouse:v6.4.1 https://URLOFWEBSITETESTING
docker run --rm -v /root/docker-tests/ sitespeedio/ https://URLOFWEBSITETESTING
docker run -v /root/docker-tests/zap:/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-stable -t https://URLOFWEBSITETESTING -g gen.conf -r tomcudd.html
docker run -it --rm -v /root/docker-tests/checklink:/home/checklink stupchiy/checklink -H https://URLOFWEBSITETESTING > /root/docker-tests/checklink-report.html
docker run -it -v /root/docker-tests/pa11y/config.json:/tmp/config.json digitalist/pa11y-ci:latest pa11y-ci -c /tmp/config.json > /root/docker-tests/pa11y/pa11y-output.txt