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A CLI tool to automatically publish npm packages.


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npm node-current (scoped) NPM

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A CLI tool to automatically publish npm packages.


  • This tool learns and refers to the excellent np and changesets
  • This tool is only used for learning and communication. It is not recommended for others to use for important projects. It is recommended to use the above tools


  • You can select or customize the npm version number and dist-tag
  • Automatically generate changelog based on git information
  • Automatically publish to
  • Create github release link


name version
node >= 18
git >= 2.11
npm >= 7
pnpm >= 8


# pnpm
pnpm add @tomjs/release-cli -D

# yarn
yarn add @tomjs/release-cli -D

# npm
npm add @tomjs/release-cli -D


$ rc -h

A CLI tool to automatically publish npm packages.

  $ rc [type] [options]

  Type can be:
    patch | minor | major | prepatch | preminor | premajor | prerelease

  --cwd                 The current working directory (default: ".")
  --config              Specify the config file path (eg. rc.config.json)
  --preid               Specify the pre-release identifier, allowed values are "", "alpha", "beta", "rc".
                        If type is "prerelease", "prepatch", "preminor", "premajor",
                        the preid will be used as the pre-release identifier (default: "alpha").
                        If type is "patch", "minor", "major", the preid will be ignored.
  --no-git-check        Skips checking git status
  --any-branch          Allow publishing from any branch (default: false)
  --branch              Name of the release branch (default: main | master)
  --tag <tag>           Publish under a given dist-tag (default: "latest")
  --scoped-tag          Use scoped package name as git tag
  --line-tag            Replace the '-' in the package name with '/' as git tag (eg. tomjs-release-cli-v1.0.0)
  --no-log              Skips generating changelog
  --log-full            Generate a full changelog and replace the existing content, not recommended (default: false)
  --no-log-commit       Don't add git commit SHA and link to the changelog
  --no-log-compare      Don't add git compare link to the changelog
  --git-url             Specify the git web url. If not specified, the configuration of git or package.json will be read,
                        such as ""
  --git-commit-url      Git commit url template, default: "{url}/commit/{sha}"
  --git-compare-url     Git compare url template, default: "{url}/compare/{diff}"
  --strict              Strict mode, will make some checks more strict (default: false)
  --no-publish          Skips publishing
  --build               Run build script before publishing (You can also use "prepublishOnly")
  --no-tag-merge        When publishing multiple packages, each package has its own independent tag and commit
  --otp                 This is a one-time password from a two-factor authenticator
  --no-release-draft    Skips opening a GitHub release draft
  --dry-run             Don't actually release, just simulate the process
  --verbose             Display verbose output
  -h, --help            Display this message
  -v, --version         Display version number

Configuration File

You can configure release-cli via (in order of precedence):

  • A "rc" key in your package.json file.
  • A rc.config.json file.
  • A rc.config.js file that exports an object using export default or module.exports (depends on the type value in your package.json).
  • A rc.config.mjs file that exports an object using export default.
  • A rc.config.cjs file that exports an object using module.exports.