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As of right now, this is the first and last release. This respository is likely to be archived and is not expected to be maintained


A simple, small utility for coloured console logging


const log = require('pretty-text');'Hi!');
log.error('Oh no!');

//What options are there/; //Shows all variants


This was whipped up in a few seconds for a project we were working on where we didn't need to log to a local file as the service was handling that.

While running in a development environment we wanted to make certain things pop out, so we made a universal NJS module to help along the way to avoid having to replicate the same thing.

Will this be maintained and have features added

As of right now, no.

This was simply a quick thing I threw on NPM for people to use if they wanted, it's not a maintained package.

If I decided to maintain it I may add:

  • Logging to files (false by default)
  • Adding custom colours
  • Only logging if an environment variable is enabled
  • Simple, basic config to allow customisation of features.

What if I don't want to see this in a production environment

I recommend adding an if statement to just check if an environment variable exists.

const log = {
    info: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {`${ + col.foreground.white}[i] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
    error: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.warn(`${ + col.foreground.white}[e] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
    success: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {`${ + col.foreground.white}[s] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
    warn: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.warn(`${col.background.white +}[w] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
    request: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.log(`${ + col.foreground.yellow}[r] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}}

The name 'pretty-text'

Hi jessica (pretty-text) <3