As of right now, this is the first and last release. This respository is likely to be archived and is not expected to be maintained
A simple, small utility for coloured console logging
const log = require('pretty-text');'Hi!');
log.error('Oh no!');
//What options are there/; //Shows all variants
This was whipped up in a few seconds for a project we were working on where we didn't need to log to a local file as the service was handling that.
While running in a development environment we wanted to make certain things pop out, so we made a universal NJS module to help along the way to avoid having to replicate the same thing.
As of right now, no.
This was simply a quick thing I threw on NPM for people to use if they wanted, it's not a maintained package.
If I decided to maintain it I may add:
- Logging to files (false by default)
- Adding custom colours
- Only logging if an environment variable is enabled
- Simple, basic config to allow customisation of features.
I recommend adding an if statement to just check if
an environment variable exists.
const log = {
info: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {`${ + col.foreground.white}[i] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
error: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.warn(`${ + col.foreground.white}[e] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
success: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {`${ + col.foreground.white}[s] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
warn: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.warn(`${col.background.white +}[w] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}},
request: text => {if (process.env.SOME_ENV_VAR) {console.log(`${ + col.foreground.yellow}[r] ${text}${col.reset + col.reset}`)}}
Hi jessica (pretty-text) <3