This is a Linux Command Line simulator, where you can do ANYTHING you want, without breaking the computer!
Abbreviated LCL.
List of modules needed:
- os (for finding login name, preinstalled)
- socket (for finding computer hostname, preinstalled)
- webbrowser (for command nano, not preinstalled)
Made RaspberryPiCommandLine, incomplete.
Now dectects computer hostname as well as login so RaspberryPiCommandLine is MORE realistic!
Changed name to LinuxCommandLine beacuse it does not say raspberrypi as hostname.
Can detect false commands!
Made to store varibles.
cd command works, version 0.1.0.
cd command can now go backwards and forwards!
Abbriviated to LCL.
Made mkdir command & super-secret commmand.
Hello! Its been a long time, but I am working on this project now! I have an update planned to optimise and make my code more flexible, but that is still a WIP.
It's been an even longer time... added licence