Proxy Prometheus Alertmanager webhooks to OpsGenie Heartbeat API to work around issue discussed here prometheus/alertmanager#444
Docker container can be pulled here traumfewo/opsgenie-heartbeat-proxy
Provide OpsGenie API Key and Heartbeat name as env variable.
docker run -e OPSGENIE_API_KEY='<API-KEY>' -e HEARTBEAT_NAME='<HEARTBEAT_NAME>' -d -p 8080:8080 traumfewo/opsgenie-heartbeat-proxy:latest
For debbuging purpose you can use optional DEBUG
Setup an always firing prometheus alert
ALERT OpsGenieHeartBeat
IF vector(1)
LABELS { app = "opsgenie" }
description = "Ping OpsGenie heartbeat api.",
which invokes a webhook to trigger proxy script running in docker container
Alertmanager route:
- match:
app: opsgenie
receiver: opsgenieproxy
continue: false
Alertmanager receiver:
- name: opsgenieproxy
- send_resolved: false
url: http://<container-ip>:8080/proxy