A simple PHP Photo / Video Gallery without any database, only pure FTP.
Simon Trichereau
In your Command Line Editor, use : git clone https://github.com/trenyture/Gallery.git
Click on Clone or Download button then on Download ZIP
- In your directory install the project (Dezip or Cloning).
- In the index.php file change the
tag with your url<base href="http://www.my-site.com/">
- or
<base href="http://www.my-site.com/path/to/folder">
- Upload your files in the storage folder
- You could upload the same files in the miniatures folder to make it load more quickly
- Enjoy
#Explaination The Files (Images and Video only) are send to Storage where you can create folders and subfolders to organize your files. The php engine will read all your architecture and display it in the Index.php! The routes are made on the same way than my personal Router, DO NOT REMOVE .htaccess file!
#Future Specs * An administration to upload / remove / modify the files. * A theme section to Customize the Gallery!
| - .htaccess
| - index.php
| - README.md
| ---- assets
| ---- css
| - main.css
| ---- img
| - fold_placeholder.png
| - img_placeholder.png
| - vid_placeholder.png
| ---- js
| - main.js
| ---- php
| - main.php
| ---- miniatures
| ---- storage
© Simon Trichereau - 2016
This project is totally free for commercial or personnal use and modifications are welcome on the Branch Development!
To contact me you can send me a message to : [email protected]