Workouts Tracker is web based platform where you can add, update delete and track your workouts.
Credentials for checking out
email: [email protected]
password: password
- Frontend: React with TypeScript
- Backend: Express JS
- Database: MongoDB
- it is the root directory where we add static files like images, favicons, which can be referenced by our code starting from the base URL (/
- it contains all of our assets like images, svgs and all which we will use in our pages or components.src/atoms
- it contains all the recoil atoms that we will use in our app.src/components
- it contains of UI and reusable components which we use in our pages.src/hooks
- all the custom hooks are added here.src/lib
typescript utility functions by using external libraries.src/pages
- includes pages, with routing.src/styles
- all the stylesheets of our app contains here.
- Yarn is used as package manager.
- React JS has been used as frontend framework.
- TypeScript is used for better type safety.
- For routing, react-router-dom has been used.
- I am using Recoil for client-side state management.
- For HTTP Client, I am using axios
- For managing server states, I am using TanStack Query.
- I am using React Hook Form for handling forms.
- For Form Validation, I am using Zod library.
- I am using Tailwind CSS for styling of the app.
- For UI components I am using ShadCN UI
- date-fns has been used for handling dates.
- Lucide Icons have been used for icons.
- multer
- cloudinary
- bcrypt
- helmet
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
- passport
- passport-google-oauth20
- validator
- it is the directory where we add static files.src/config
- all the environment variables are conifgured here.src/db
- all the functions and configurations including models, schemas definitions of database contains here.src/lib
- javascript utility functions by using external libraries.src/middlewares
- all the express middlewares contains here.src/modules
- all the modules (routes and controllers) contains here.src/utils
- pure javascript utility functions.