The idea was to manually implement the entire face recognition pipeline from the beginning (face detection) to the end (implementation in the form of a telegram bot).
Third-party pre-trained universal neural networks are used:
- YOLO v5
- ImageNet CNNs
All these networks were fine-tuned.
The models weights are not included in this repo.
Bot receives two images:
- How I Met Your Mother cast
- Random face from
For each face the bot returns 8 most similar celebrities form CelebA with cosine similarity values and color coding.
The project is divided into experimental Jupiter notebooks with a detailed description of each stage:
- Study 01 - Face Detection with YOLO. The YOLO model was fine-tuned on the CelebA dataset to predict bboxes
- Study 02 - Face Alignment - Landmark Coordinates Regression. The ImageNet model was fine-tuned to predict 5 facial landmarks: eyes, nose, mouth edges
- Study 03 - Full Dataset Face Detection and Alignment. Found bboxes and facial landmarks for full dataset, saved to file
- Study 04 - Face Recognition. Trained model for face embedding with arcface loss
- Study 05 - Step-wise Inference. Wrapped all three models into single class, used with webcam to find similar faces
- Study 06 - Telegram Bot Inference. Aiogram bot with some functions and explanations
- Telegram Bot .py file or Run_bot.ipynb. Single file for starting the bot
Dataset - CelebA.
The good:
- relatively small (compared to MS-celeb-1M)
- has about 10 000 people
The bad:
- some people have only 1-2 photos
- some photos are low-res
- doesn't contain names for persons
The ugly:
- doesn't have much image diversity for each person
Language: python
- pytorch
- aiogram
- cv2, PIL, albumentations
- pandas, numpy
- sklearn
- timm
Pretrained models (fine-tuned for the task):
- YOLOv5
- ImageNet models from timm library
- YOLO for bbox detection (default parameters)
- Coordinate regression with Wing Loss for landmark detection
- Classification with Arcface Loss for embedding CNN training (label smoothing, pre-training with simple CE loss, heavy augmentations, sunglasses overlay)
- Cos similarity for finding similar faces
- Async telegram bot with wrapper for all three models
- get larger dataset with more diversity. For example - MS-celeb-1M (with fixed errors)
- use more powerful models. All three used models - detection, landmark regression and recognition - are lightweight and fast. Result can be improved by using "heavier" models
- tune recognition network training hyperparameters:
- arcface loss m and s
- LR and scheduler
- label smoothing (maybe add label flip?)
- higher training resolution
- other augmentations
This is the resulting cosine similarity distribution for people model has not seen during the training.
Metric: TPR@FPR=0.01: 0.859, threshold 0.369
Learning curve for arcface loss.