Unofficial NodeJs library for consuming the API
npm install upodi
const UpodiApi = require('upodi')
const upodi = new UpodiApi('${api key}')
const listOfCustomer = await upodi.customers.list({pagesize: '000, pagenumber: 1})
List all customers. Options to limited list all or paged results. See limited lists below.
var customers = upodi.customers.list(all: true);
Create a new customer. Requires accountnumber, fullname and currencycode.
var newId = upodi.customers.create("acocuntnumber", "fullname", "USD");
List all subscriptions. Options to limited list all or paged results. See limited lists below.
var subscriptions = upodi.Subscriptions.list(all: true);
Create a new subscription. Requires the customer and product plan id.
var newId = upodi.subscriptions.create(customerId, productPlanId, DateTime.UtcNow);
Subscriptions enable various actions.
var result = upodi.subscriptions.activate(subscriptionId);
var result = upodi.subscriptions.cancel(subscriptionId);
var result = upodi.subscriptions.expire(subscriptionId);
var result = upodi.subscriptions.hold(subscriptionId);
var result = upodi.subscriptions.resume(subscriptionId);
Update amount of a subscription charge.
var result = upodi.Subscriptions.SetAmount(subscriptionId, productPlanChargeId, 302.34);
Using the .List() method on customer and subscription (ex. upodi.Subscriptions.List()) will return a reduced number of records due to performance. You will have to iterate through the list fetching each object to get the full object.
List | Properties |
Customer | ID,CompanyName,AccountNumber,CurrencyCode,FullName,AutoBill,RefKey,CreatedDate,ModifiedDate |
Subscription | ID,SubscriptionNumber,CustomerID,ProductPlanID,StartDate,StateCode,Status,EndDate,RefKey,CreatedDate,ModifiedDate |