TimeCipher is a blockchain-based time-locked messaging system that securely encrypts messages with a timestamp, ensuring they can only be decrypted after the specified time. This innovative solution combines privacy and delayed access, perfect for secure future communication.
Install the library using npm or yarn or bun:
npm install timecipher
yarn install timecipher
bun install timecipher
- Encrypt and decrypt messages using the contract's logic.
- Check the active status of an encrypted message.
- Get the activation timestamp of an encrypted message.
- Retrieve timestamps from the smart contract.
First, import the necessary methods from the library:
import { getTimestamp, encryptMessage, decryptMessage, isActive, whenActive } from "timecipher";
Example: Encrypting a message
const message = "Hello, World!";
const timestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
const encryptedMessage = await encryptMessage(message, timestamp);
console.log("Encrypted Message:", encryptedMessage);
Example: Decrypting a message
const decryptedMessage = await decryptMessage(encryptedMessage);
console.log("Decrypted Message:", decryptedMessage);
Example: Checking if a message is active
const active = await isActive(encryptedMessage);
console.log("Is Active:", active);
Example: Getting the activation timestamp
const activationTimestamp = await whenActive(encryptedMessage);
console.log("Activation Timestamp:", activationTimestamp);
Example: Retrieving the current timestamp
const timestamp = await getTimestamp();
console.log("Current Timestamp:", timestamp);
decryptMessage(encryptedMessage: string, _config?: IExtendedConfig): Promise<string>
Decrypts an encrypted message using the smart contract.
- encryptedMessage: The encrypted message to decrypt.
(optional): An object to override default configuration.
- A promise that resolves to the decrypted message as a string.
isActive(encryptedMsg: string, _config?: IExtendedConfig): Promise<boolean>
Checks if a message is active in the smart contract.
- encryptedMsg: The encrypted message to check.
(optional): An object to override default configuration.
- A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating if the message is active.
whenActive(encryptedMsg: string, _config?: IExtendedConfig): Promise<number>
Gets the activation timestamp of an encrypted message.
- encryptedMsg: The encrypted message to check.
(optional): An object to override default configuration.
- A promise that resolves to the activation timestamp as a number.
getTimestamp(_config?: IExtendedConfig): Promise<number>
Retrieves the current timestamp from the smart contract.
(optional): An object to override default configuration.
- A promise that resolves to the current timestamp as a number.
interface IExtendedConfig {
provider?: ethers.JsonRpcProvider;
contractAddress?: string;
rpcUrl?: string;
abi?: any;
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.