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Optimism Bridge Box

Truffle Optimism Bridge Box provides you with setup necessary to start building applications between multiple Ethereum network layers.

This box contains contracts that interact with the Optimism bridge on L1 and L2, along with a set of migrations for deploying, calling functions, and passing messages and value between both layers.

Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


We recommend following these instructions here. The Optimism Box has the following requirements:

  • Node.js v12 - 16 or later
  • NPM version 5.2 or later
  • Windows, Linux or MacOS
  • An Infura account and Project ID
  • A MetaMask account


$ truffle unbox optimism-bridge <DIRECTORY_NAME>


Installing dependencies

truffle unbox should run npm install as part of the unboxing process.

Using the env File

You will need the goerli mnemonic to use with the network. The .dotenv npm package has been installed for you, and you will need to create a .env file for storing your mnemonic and any other needed private information.

The .env file is ignored by git in this project to help protect your private data. It is good security practice to avoid committing information about your private keys to github. The truffle-config.ovm.js file expects a GOERLI_MNEMONIC value to exist in .env for running commands on the Goerli and Optimism Goerli testnets and an INFURA_KEY to connect to the network.

If you are unfamiliar with using .env for managing your mnemonics and other keys, the basic steps for doing so are below:

  1. Run cp .env.example .env in the command line to copy some important variables into a private .env file.
  2. Open the .env file in your preferred IDE
  3. Fill in your mnemonic for the networks you intend to use, as well as your Infura key.
  4. As you develop your project, you can put any other sensitive information in the .env file. You can access it from other files with require('dotenv').config() and refer to the variable you need with process.env['<YOUR_VARIABLE>'].


This box includes:

  • An L1 contract that sends a message over the Optimism bridge.
  • A Migration that sends a message from Ethereum to Optimism.
  • An L2 contract that sends a message over the Optimism bridge.
  • A Migration that sends a message from Optimism to Ethereum.
  • A script to automate the process of compiling contracts, running migrations, and sending messages across each side of the bridge.
  • A script to automate the process of sending ETH and DAI across each side of the bridge.

Once you have installed dependencies and set up your .env file, you're ready to start bridging!

Messaging Demo

Included is a helper script that facilitates the full compilation, migration, and bridging of messages between Goerli and Optimism Goerli. To use it, you will need testnet ETH on those networks. Use a faucet to receive some. Additionally, you will need to add the Optimism addon to your Infura account.

Once youre ready, run:

npm run deploy

This script automates the following steps:

Migration steps

Migration 1 + 2

The first two migrations are simple contract deploys to each network. These are necessary for the following migrations.

Migration 3

Upon completion of the migration, you will be prompted with a link to confirm the bridged message via Etherscan:

Expected output:

Updating the L2 Greetings contract from L1! 👋👋
🙌 Greeter txn confirmed on L1! 0xabc...
🛣️  Bridging message to L2 Greeter contract...
🕐 In about 1 minute, check the Greeter contract "read" function:

Click the link and open the greet function to see your greeting!

Migration 4

Upon completion of the migration, you will be prompted with a link to confirm the bridged message via Etherscan:

Expected output:

Updating the L1 Greetings contract from L2! 👋
🙌🙌 Greeter txn confirmed on L2! 0x93d390d84e99a0e229ef813afe4b42d2cfed8ac1f8f0711e721cce4eab30046c
🛣️  Bridging message to L1 Greeter contract.
 🕐 This will take at least 1-5 min...
Message not yet received on L1.
 🕐 Retrying in 10 seconds...
📬 Message received! Finalizing...
🎉 Message finalized. Check the L1 Greeter contract "read" function:

Click the link and open the greet function to see your greeting!

Known Issues

There is known issue that occurs under certain network conditions resulting in the failure of migration 4 with the following error:

Error: Could not find block

This is due to an issue with a dependency and we are working on a fix. In the meantime, if you encounter this, it is safe to simply rerun that migration with truffle migrate --network=optimistic_goerli --config=truffle-config.ovm --f 4 --to 4 --skip-dry-run.

Briding Eth Demo

The script goerli_bridge_value.mjs demonstrates how to send ETH and DAI across each side of the bridge. To run it, you will also need DAI on the Goerli network. You can go to Uniswap to exchange ETH for DAI on Goerli. Then call:

node ./scripts/goerli_bridge_value.js

Developing for Optimism

To learn more about developing for Optimism, see the Truffle Optimism Box


Support for this box is available via the Truffle community available here.


Optimism bridge examples.







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