Excerpted from the MoMALearning article linked here:
Surrealist artists played a collaborative, chance-based parlor game, typically involving four players, called Cadavre Exquis (Exquisite Corpse). Each participant would draw an image (or, on some occasions, paste an image down) on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal their contribution, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution. [...] For the Surrealists, Exquisite Corpse was a perfect parlor game, involving elements of unpredictability, chance, unseen elements, and group collaboration—all in service of disrupting the waking mind’s penchant for order.
Switch from the main codespace to the game-1.2 branch in the top-left corner of the zmuhls/exquisite-corpse repository.
In the game-1.2 branch, select game.md underneath the README.md file, then click the pencil icon in the top-left corner to edit the file.
Add a line of poetry to the number that has been assigned to you!
Name and summarize your commit, then click Propose Changes to the game-1.2 branch. Doing so will automatically fork the game-1.2 branch of zmuhls/exquisite-corpse to your own account so that you can submit a pull request for me to review and merge your changes with game-1.2.
Check to see if your head repository (your-username/exquisite-corpse) is set to be merged with the base repository (zmuhls/exquisite-corpse), then click Create pull request to propose merging your changes with game-1.2.
Give your pull request a title, leave a comment if you want, then click Create pull request.
After I see and accept your pull request, your forked version and its modifications will merge with game-1.2 in the base repository.
Once everyone's submitted their pull requests, I will merge game-1.2 with the main codespace to cap things off.
And voila! We're done.
Neat, right?