SpreadX11 miner based on Christian Buchner's & Christian H.'s project ccminer.
- BTC: 1QD25HSCF8EAxUTYj2XsXZNGBi7RvQ21p8 Yay, I'm BTC rich
- SPR: SfSEcVQGhbXvPQ2hkTj3vxSd9PEZA12efa Yay, I'm SPR rich
- GPU with compute capability 3.0+
- libcurl: http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/
- jansson: http://www.digip.org/jansson/ (jansson is included in-tree)
- openssl: https://www.openssl.org/
- Binary releases: https://github.com/tsiv/spreadminer/releases
- edit the NVCC_GENCODE line in Makefile.am to target your preferred compute capability
- ./autogen.sh
- ./configure "CFLAGS=-O3" "CXXFLAGS=-O3"
- make
- Go to http://cudamining.co.uk/url/tutorials/id/3 and follow the instructions
- Pray that it works and that you don't go crazy trying to scrape together the dependencies
- Quick start: spreadminer -o -u rpcuser -p rpcpass (obviously replace if your wallet is running on another machine)
- spreadminer -h for additional options (some of them might be leftovers from ccminer and not work)
- experiment with the -x parameter to find a value that gives you best performance and doesn't lag out your desktop too much