GWIT (as in guess what I am thinking or as in GDart witness validator) is a witness validator for SVCOMP witnesses for Java programs, based on the GDart tool ensemble.
It consists of four components:
- DSE a generic dynamic symbolic execution (
- SPouT: Symbolic Path Recording During Testing (
- JConstraints: A meta solving library for SMT problems (
- Verifier-Stub: A set of stubs for the verifier (
To validate a witness, just call the ./ script:
./ property-file witness-file
GDart runs on MacOS and Ubuntu 20.04. Windows is currently not supported.
GWIT validates violation witnesses by weaving the assumptions made explicit in a witness into the original program under analysis and checks the modified program with dynamic symbolic execution (i.e., DSE+SPouT).
GWIT relies on the provided Witness
class (part of verifier-stub
) for
providing the infrastructure for checking assumptions in the code of a program:
public class Witness {
private static int[] counters = new int[1];
private static void ensureIndexExists(int i) {
if (i < counters.length) {
int[] newCounters = new int[i+1];
System.arraycopy(counters, 0, newCounters, 0, counters.length);
counters = newCounters;
public static void assume(int id, boolean ... assumptions) {
int idx = counters[id];
For a witness that makes multiple assumptions a, b, c
on one line of code,
GWIT will weave a call
Witness.assume(0, a, b, c);
into the code of the original program after the line on which assumptions were made.
The calls to Verifier.assume(...)
limit the number of paths that have to explored
by dynamic symbolic execution.
This approach works under a couple of assumptuions:
- Assumptions are made on lines in the code that surrounded by proper blocks
- Code blocks are not clodes on the same line
- Assumptions are not on values that go intto method calls (at least not on the line of the method call)
import tools.aqua.concolic.Verifier;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = Verifier.nondetString();
if (s.contains("whoopsy")) {
assert false;
<edge source="n0" target="n1">
<data key="originfile"></data>
<data key="startline">6</data>
<data key="threadId">0</data>
<data key="assumption">s.equals("whoopsy")</data>
<data key="assumption.scope">java::LMain;.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V</data>
import tools.aqua.concolic.Verifier;
import tools.aqua.concolic.Witness;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = Verifier.nondetString();
Witness.assume(0, s.equals("whoopsy"));
if (s.contains("whoopsy")) {
assert false;