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cli: Group flags in help output
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Acconut committed Sep 7, 2023
1 parent cfb044d commit 3c9c4d9
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Showing 3 changed files with 240 additions and 90 deletions.
200 changes: 110 additions & 90 deletions cmd/tusd/cli/flags.go
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,96 +77,115 @@ var Flags struct {

func ParseFlags() {
// Options for listening
flag.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHost, "host", "", "Host to bind HTTP server to")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.HttpPort, "port", "1080", "Port to bind HTTP server to")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.HttpSock, "unix-sock", "", "If set, will listen to a UNIX socket at this location instead of a TCP socket")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.Basepath, "base-path", "/files/", "Basepath of the HTTP server")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.BehindProxy, "behind-proxy", false, "Respect X-Forwarded-* and similar headers which may be set by proxies")

// TLS options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.TLSCertFile, "tls-certificate", "", "Path to the file containing the x509 TLS certificate to be used. The file should also contain any intermediate certificates and the CA certificate.")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.TLSKeyFile, "tls-key", "", "Path to the file containing the key for the TLS certificate.")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.TLSMode, "tls-mode", "tls12", "Specify which TLS mode to use; valid modes are tls13, tls12, and tls12-strong.")

// Protocol options
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.ExperimentalProtocol, "enable-experimental-protocol", false, "Enable support for the new resumable upload protocol draft from the IETF's HTTP working group, next to the current tus v1 protocol. (experimental and may be removed/changed in the future)")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableDownload, "disable-download", false, "Disable the download endpoint")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableTermination, "disable-termination", false, "Disable the termination endpoint")

flag.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableCors, "disable-cors", false, "Disable CORS headers")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowOrigin, "cors-allow-origin", ".*", "Regular expression used to determine if the Origin header is allowed. If not, no CORS headers will be sent. By default, all origins are allowed.")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.CorsAllowCredentials, "cors-allow-credentials", false, "Allow credentials by setting Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowMethods, "cors-allow-methods", "", "Comma-separated list of request methods that are included in Access-Control-Allow-Methods in addition to the ones required by tusd")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowHeaders, "cors-allow-headers", "", "Comma-separated list of headers that are included in Access-Control-Allow-Headers in addition to the ones required by tusd")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.CorsMaxAge, "cors-max-age", "86400", "Value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header to control the cache duration of CORS responses.")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.CorsExposeHeaders, "cors-expose-headers", "", "Comma-separated list of headers that are included in Access-Control-Expose-Headers in addition to the ones required by tusd")

// General storage options
flag.Int64Var(&Flags.MaxSize, "max-size", 0, "Maximum size of a single upload in bytes")

// Filestore options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.UploadDir, "upload-dir", "./data", "Directory to store uploads in")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.FilelockHolderPollInterval, "filelock-holder-poll-interval", 5*time.Second, "The holder of a lock polls regularly to see if another request handler needs the lock. This flag specifies the poll interval.")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.FilelockAcquirerPollInterval, "filelock-acquirer-poll-interval", 2*time.Second, "The acquirer of a lock polls regularly to see if the lock has been released. This flag specifies the poll interval.")

// S3 options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.S3Bucket, "s3-bucket", "", "Use AWS S3 with this bucket as storage backend (requires the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION environment variables to be set)")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.S3ObjectPrefix, "s3-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for S3 object names")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.S3Endpoint, "s3-endpoint", "", "Endpoint to use S3 compatible implementations like minio (requires s3-bucket to be pass)")
flag.Int64Var(&Flags.S3PartSize, "s3-part-size", 50*1024*1024, "Size in bytes of the individual upload requests made to the S3 API. Defaults to 50MiB (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
flag.Int64Var(&Flags.S3MaxBufferedParts, "s3-max-buffered-parts", 20, "Size in bytes of the individual upload requests made to the S3 API. Defaults to 50MiB (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.S3DisableContentHashes, "s3-disable-content-hashes", false, "Disable the calculation of MD5 and SHA256 hashes for the content that gets uploaded to S3 for minimized CPU usage (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.S3DisableSSL, "s3-disable-ssl", false, "Disable SSL and only use HTTP for communication with S3 (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
flag.IntVar(&Flags.S3ConcurrentPartUploads, "s3-concurrent-part-uploads", 10, "Number of concurrent part uploads to S3 (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.S3TransferAcceleration, "s3-transfer-acceleration", false, "Use AWS S3 transfer acceleration endpoint (requires -s3-bucket option and Transfer Acceleration property on S3 bucket to be set)")

// GCS options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.GCSBucket, "gcs-bucket", "", "Use Google Cloud Storage with this bucket as storage backend (requires the GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE environment variable to be set)")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.GCSObjectPrefix, "gcs-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for GCS object names")

// Azure options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.AzStorage, "azure-storage", "", "Use Azure BlockBlob Storage with this container name as a storage backend (requires the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_KEY environment variable to be set)")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.AzContainerAccessType, "azure-container-access-type", "", "Access type when creating a new container if it does not exist (possible values: blob, container, '')")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.AzBlobAccessTier, "azure-blob-access-tier", "", "Blob access tier when uploading new files (possible values: archive, cool, hot, '')")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.AzObjectPrefix, "azure-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for Azure object names")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.AzEndpoint, "azure-endpoint", "", "Custom Endpoint to use for Azure BlockBlob Storage (requires azure-storage to be pass)")

// General hook options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.EnabledHooksString, "hooks-enabled-events", "pre-create,post-create,post-receive,post-terminate,post-finish", "Comma separated list of enabled hook events (e.g. post-create,post-finish). Leave empty to enable default events")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.ProgressHooksInterval, "progress-hooks-interval", 1*time.Second, "Interval at which the post-receive progress hooks are emitted for each active upload")

// Specific hook options
flag.StringVar(&Flags.PluginHookPath, "hooks-plugin", "", "Path to a Go plugin for loading hook functions")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.FileHooksDir, "hooks-dir", "", "Directory to search for available hooks scripts")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHooksEndpoint, "hooks-http", "", "An HTTP endpoint to which hook events will be sent to")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHooksForwardHeaders, "hooks-http-forward-headers", "", "List of HTTP request headers to be forwarded from the client request to the hook endpoint")
flag.IntVar(&Flags.HttpHooksRetry, "hooks-http-retry", 3, "Number of times to retry on a 500 or network timeout")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.HttpHooksBackoff, "hooks-http-backoff", 1*time.Second, "Wait period before retrying each retry")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksEndpoint, "hooks-grpc", "", "An gRPC endpoint to which hook events will be sent to")
flag.IntVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksRetry, "hooks-grpc-retry", 3, "Number of times to retry on a server error or network timeout")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksBackoff, "hooks-grpc-backoff", 1*time.Second, "Wait period before retrying each retry")

// Monitoring and profiling
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.ExposeMetrics, "expose-metrics", true, "Expose metrics about tusd usage")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.MetricsPath, "metrics-path", "/metrics", "Path under which the metrics endpoint will be accessible")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.ExposePprof, "expose-pprof", false, "Expose the pprof interface over HTTP for profiling tusd")
flag.StringVar(&Flags.PprofPath, "pprof-path", "/debug/pprof/", "Path under which the pprof endpoint will be accessible")
flag.IntVar(&Flags.PprofBlockProfileRate, "pprof-block-profile-rate", 0, "Fraction of goroutine blocking events that are reported in the blocking profile")
flag.IntVar(&Flags.PprofMutexProfileRate, "pprof-mutex-profile-rate", 0, "Fraction of mutex contention events that are reported in the mutex profile")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.ShowGreeting, "show-greeting", true, "Show the greeting message")
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.ShowVersion, "version", false, "Print tusd version information")

// Logging
flag.BoolVar(&Flags.VerboseOutput, "verbose", true, "Enable verbose logging output")

// Timeouts
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.ReadTimeout, "read-timeout", 60*time.Second, "Network read timeout. If the tusd does not receive data for this duration, it will consider the connection dead. A zero value means that network reads will not time out.")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.ShutdownTimeout, "shutdown-timeout", 10*time.Second, "Timeout for closing connections gracefully during shutdown. After the timeout, tusd will exit regardless of any open connection.")
flag.DurationVar(&Flags.AcquireLockTimeout, "acquire-lock-timeout", 10*time.Second, "Timeout for a request handler to wait for acquiring the upload lock.")

fs := grouped_flags.NewFlagGroupSet(flag.ExitOnError)

fs.AddGroup("Listening options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHost, "host", "", "Host to bind HTTP server to")
f.StringVar(&Flags.HttpPort, "port", "1080", "Port to bind HTTP server to")
f.StringVar(&Flags.HttpSock, "unix-sock", "", "If set, will listen to a UNIX socket at this location instead of a TCP socket")
f.StringVar(&Flags.Basepath, "base-path", "/files/", "Basepath of the HTTP server")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.BehindProxy, "behind-proxy", false, "Respect X-Forwarded-* and similar headers which may be set by proxies")

fs.AddGroup("TLS options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.TLSCertFile, "tls-certificate", "", "Path to the file containing the x509 TLS certificate to be used. The file should also contain any intermediate certificates and the CA certificate.")
f.StringVar(&Flags.TLSKeyFile, "tls-key", "", "Path to the file containing the key for the TLS certificate.")
f.StringVar(&Flags.TLSMode, "tls-mode", "tls12", "Specify which TLS mode to use; valid modes are tls13, tls12, and tls12-strong.")

fs.AddGroup("Upload protocol options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.BoolVar(&Flags.ExperimentalProtocol, "enable-experimental-protocol", false, "Enable support for the new resumable upload protocol draft from the IETF's HTTP working group, next to the current tus v1 protocol. (experimental and may be removed/changed in the future)")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableDownload, "disable-download", false, "Disable the download endpoint")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableTermination, "disable-termination", false, "Disable the termination endpoint")
f.Int64Var(&Flags.MaxSize, "max-size", 0, "Maximum size of a single upload in bytes")

fs.AddGroup("CORS options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.BoolVar(&Flags.DisableCors, "disable-cors", false, "Disable CORS headers")
f.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowOrigin, "cors-allow-origin", ".*", "Regular expression used to determine if the Origin header is allowed. If not, no CORS headers will be sent. By default, all origins are allowed.")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.CorsAllowCredentials, "cors-allow-credentials", false, "Allow credentials by setting Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true")
f.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowMethods, "cors-allow-methods", "", "Comma-separated list of request methods that are included in Access-Control-Allow-Methods in addition to the ones required by tusd")
f.StringVar(&Flags.CorsAllowHeaders, "cors-allow-headers", "", "Comma-separated list of headers that are included in Access-Control-Allow-Headers in addition to the ones required by tusd")
f.StringVar(&Flags.CorsMaxAge, "cors-max-age", "86400", "Value of the Access-Control-Max-Age header to control the cache duration of CORS responses.")
f.StringVar(&Flags.CorsExposeHeaders, "cors-expose-headers", "", "Comma-separated list of headers that are included in Access-Control-Expose-Headers in addition to the ones required by tusd")

fs.AddGroup("File storage option", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.UploadDir, "upload-dir", "./data", "Directory to store uploads in")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.FilelockHolderPollInterval, "filelock-holder-poll-interval", 5*time.Second, "The holder of a lock polls regularly to see if another request handler needs the lock. This flag specifies the poll interval.")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.FilelockAcquirerPollInterval, "filelock-acquirer-poll-interval", 2*time.Second, "The acquirer of a lock polls regularly to see if the lock has been released. This flag specifies the poll interval.")

fs.AddGroup("AWS S3 storage options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.S3Bucket, "s3-bucket", "", "Use AWS S3 with this bucket as storage backend (requires the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_REGION environment variables to be set)")
f.StringVar(&Flags.S3ObjectPrefix, "s3-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for S3 object names")
f.StringVar(&Flags.S3Endpoint, "s3-endpoint", "", "Endpoint to use S3 compatible implementations like minio (requires s3-bucket to be pass)")
f.Int64Var(&Flags.S3PartSize, "s3-part-size", 50*1024*1024, "Size in bytes of the individual upload requests made to the S3 API. Defaults to 50MiB (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
f.Int64Var(&Flags.S3MaxBufferedParts, "s3-max-buffered-parts", 20, "Size in bytes of the individual upload requests made to the S3 API. Defaults to 50MiB (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.S3DisableContentHashes, "s3-disable-content-hashes", false, "Disable the calculation of MD5 and SHA256 hashes for the content that gets uploaded to S3 for minimized CPU usage (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.S3DisableSSL, "s3-disable-ssl", false, "Disable SSL and only use HTTP for communication with S3 (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
f.IntVar(&Flags.S3ConcurrentPartUploads, "s3-concurrent-part-uploads", 10, "Number of concurrent part uploads to S3 (experimental and may be removed in the future)")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.S3TransferAcceleration, "s3-transfer-acceleration", false, "Use AWS S3 transfer acceleration endpoint (requires -s3-bucket option and Transfer Acceleration property on S3 bucket to be set)")

fs.AddGroup("Google Cloud Storage options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.GCSBucket, "gcs-bucket", "", "Use Google Cloud Storage with this bucket as storage backend (requires the GCS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE environment variable to be set)")
f.StringVar(&Flags.GCSObjectPrefix, "gcs-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for GCS object names")

fs.AddGroup("Azure Storage options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.AzStorage, "azure-storage", "", "Use Azure BlockBlob Storage with this container name as a storage backend (requires the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_KEY environment variable to be set)")
f.StringVar(&Flags.AzContainerAccessType, "azure-container-access-type", "", "Access type when creating a new container if it does not exist (possible values: blob, container, '')")
f.StringVar(&Flags.AzBlobAccessTier, "azure-blob-access-tier", "", "Blob access tier when uploading new files (possible values: archive, cool, hot, '')")
f.StringVar(&Flags.AzObjectPrefix, "azure-object-prefix", "", "Prefix for Azure object names")
f.StringVar(&Flags.AzEndpoint, "azure-endpoint", "", "Custom Endpoint to use for Azure BlockBlob Storage (requires azure-storage to be pass)")

fs.AddGroup("General hook options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.EnabledHooksString, "hooks-enabled-events", "pre-create,post-create,post-receive,post-terminate,post-finish", "Comma separated list of enabled hook events (e.g. post-create,post-finish). Leave empty to enable default events")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.ProgressHooksInterval, "progress-hooks-interval", 1*time.Second, "Interval at which the post-receive progress hooks are emitted for each active upload")

fs.AddGroup("File hook options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.FileHooksDir, "hooks-dir", "", "Directory to search for available hooks scripts")

fs.AddGroup("HTTP hook options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHooksEndpoint, "hooks-http", "", "An HTTP endpoint to which hook events will be sent to")
f.StringVar(&Flags.HttpHooksForwardHeaders, "hooks-http-forward-headers", "", "List of HTTP request headers to be forwarded from the client request to the hook endpoint")
f.IntVar(&Flags.HttpHooksRetry, "hooks-http-retry", 3, "Number of times to retry on a 500 or network timeout")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.HttpHooksBackoff, "hooks-http-backoff", 1*time.Second, "Wait period before retrying each retry")

fs.AddGroup("gRPC hook options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksEndpoint, "hooks-grpc", "", "An gRPC endpoint to which hook events will be sent to")
f.IntVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksRetry, "hooks-grpc-retry", 3, "Number of times to retry on a server error or network timeout")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.GrpcHooksBackoff, "hooks-grpc-backoff", 1*time.Second, "Wait period before retrying each retry")

fs.AddGroup("Plugin hook options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.StringVar(&Flags.PluginHookPath, "hooks-plugin", "", "Path to a Go plugin for loading hook functions")

fs.AddGroup("Monitoring, profiling, logging options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.BoolVar(&Flags.ExposeMetrics, "expose-metrics", true, "Expose metrics about tusd usage")
f.StringVar(&Flags.MetricsPath, "metrics-path", "/metrics", "Path under which the metrics endpoint will be accessible")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.ExposePprof, "expose-pprof", false, "Expose the pprof interface over HTTP for profiling tusd")
f.StringVar(&Flags.PprofPath, "pprof-path", "/debug/pprof/", "Path under which the pprof endpoint will be accessible")
f.IntVar(&Flags.PprofBlockProfileRate, "pprof-block-profile-rate", 0, "Fraction of goroutine blocking events that are reported in the blocking profile")
f.IntVar(&Flags.PprofMutexProfileRate, "pprof-mutex-profile-rate", 0, "Fraction of mutex contention events that are reported in the mutex profile")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.ShowGreeting, "show-greeting", true, "Show the greeting message")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.ShowVersion, "version", false, "Print tusd version information")
f.BoolVar(&Flags.VerboseOutput, "verbose", true, "Enable verbose logging output")

fs.AddGroup("Timeout options", func(f *flag.FlagSet) {
f.DurationVar(&Flags.ReadTimeout, "read-timeout", 60*time.Second, "Network read timeout. If the tusd does not receive data for this duration, it will consider the connection dead. A zero value means that network reads will not time out.")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.ShutdownTimeout, "shutdown-timeout", 10*time.Second, "Timeout for closing connections gracefully during shutdown. After the timeout, tusd will exit regardless of any open connection.")
f.DurationVar(&Flags.AcquireLockTimeout, "acquire-lock-timeout", 10*time.Second, "Timeout for a request handler to wait for acquiring the upload lock.")



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